Conscience in Action by Kim Dae-jung

Conscience in Action by Kim Dae-jung

Author:Kim Dae-jung
Language: eng
Format: epub, pdf
Publisher: Springer Singapore, Singapore

“Please Don’t Call Me ‘Your Excellency’” (February 25, 1998–May 12, 1998)

On February 25, the day of my inauguration, my wife Lee Hee-ho congratulated me. How could the glory that day be only mine? “Congratulations to you, too!” I told her.

After paying my respects at the Seoul National Cemetery, I entered the Blue House with my wife at around 9:00 a.m., the time when government officials are supposed to begin their day’s work. In the office, I signed my name in Hangeul on the application for parliamentary approval of the appointment of Kim Jong-pil as prime minister and Han Sung-hon as the chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection. This marked my first official work and exercise of power.

I went to the National Assembly building for the inauguration ceremony. It was a clear and warm day, with sunlight pouring softly through the windows. All of the previous presidents—Kim Young-sam , Roh Tae-woo , Chun Doo-hwan , and Choi Kyu-ha —attended the ceremony. I also invited various leaders who had offered essential help saving my life and ensuring my safety during the periods when I was a condemned criminal, under house arrest, kidnapped, and in exile, such as former German president von Weizsäcker , former president Corazon Aquino of the Philippines, and former US Congressman Michael Foglietta. Also in attendance were former Japanese prime ministers Nakasone and Takeshita, former Japanese foreign minister Kono Yohei , Japanese Lower House Speaker Doi Takako , President Samaranch of IOC, Vice President of International Relations at the Russian Foreign Ministry Evgeny P. Bazhanov, former Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Liu Shu Qing , and pop singer Michael Jackson. Forty thousand people gathered and were waiting for me at the square in front of the National Assembly building.

I took the oath . “I do solemnly swear that I will preserve the Constitution, protect the Republic of Korea, make efforts to increase the Korean people’s freedom and wellbeing, as well as to advance national culture, and to faithfully execute the Office of President.”

A salute was fired and doves flew into the sky. I became the president of the new government dubbed the “People’s Government.” World-renowned soprano Jo Sumi sang “Oh, the Country of Morning in the East.” Then I read my inauguration speech entitled “Let’s Open a New Age of Overcoming National Crisis and Re-Take-Off.”

I began my speech by sharing my feelings about launching the People’s Government. “Today’s inauguration ceremony is of truly great historical significance. Today is a day when we can all be proud because democratic regime change occurred for the first time in our history. It is also finally the day when the government that intends to develop democracy and economy is born. The current government is the People’s Government in the true sense of the word because it was created thanks to the power of the people. I offer all glory and blessings to the Korean people and firmly promise you that I will devote all I have to serve you.”

I also


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