America by Douglas E. Schoen & Carly Cooperman

America by Douglas E. Schoen & Carly Cooperman

Author:Douglas E. Schoen & Carly Cooperman
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Regan Arts.
Published: 2021-11-02T00:00:00+00:00


The United States became a global power with its victory in the Spanish-American War in 1898 and has been the mightiest superpower in history since its victory in World War II. The vast majority of Americans now alive were born after that war ended in 1945, so we’ve never known a time when our country wasn’t the most economically and militarily powerful nation on Earth. As a result, we tend to assume that American dominance is just the natural order of things, destined to continue for all time. However, that is a wrong and dangerous assumption.

Just because a nation is powerful and dominant at one point in time doesn’t mean it will maintain that status. History is filled with examples of this, including the Roman Empire, imperial China, imperial Spain, the British Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Soviet Union until it broke up in 1991. Today, leaders of Russia and China are working hard to restore their past glory and add the U.S. to the list of former great powers. Their goal is to replace our model of democracy and individual freedom with their model of authoritarianism and individual subservience to the state. They hold themselves up to nations around the world as models of successful and efficient government, far better at solving problems and building better futures for their people than democracies. They tell other nations and their own people that America is a chaotic and deeply divided country, with a failed government and an unworkable democratic system crippled by endless debate and gridlock.

The most partisan members of the American political class—on both the right and left—are aiding Russia and China in their effort to throw democracy onto the ash heap of history. By doing everything they can to sabotage the opposing political party—regardless of how much harm they inflict on our nation and our people—American hyper-partisans give the Russian and Chinese dictatorships a priceless gift: evidence that democracies are doomed to internal strife and ideological civil war.

The fighting and feuding politicians in Washington act more like members of rival gangs or enemy combatants than patriots who put America first in all their actions. Witness the almost automatic opposition of congressional Republicans to everything President Obama proposed, which now continues with everything President Biden proposes. In the same way, when President Trump was in office, Democrats fought him at every turn as part of “the resistance.” Compromises between the two parties on major legislation are rare. Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus economic stimulus legislation was narrowly passed by the House and Senate in March 2021 without a single Republican vote.1 In 2017, President Trump’s $1.5 trillion in tax cuts were passed in both chambers without a single Democratic vote.2 In these and other instances, neither side was willing to compromise sufficiently to pass consensus legislation. It seems that many lawmakers would rather see the other party fail than see our nation succeed.

The urban riots following the horrific killing of George Floyd


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