History & Criticism
epub |eng | 2020-06-19 | Author:Sabrina Imbler

All of Lesbos doubles as an officially recognized geopark, deemed so for its abundance of petrified forests, the broken bones of giant sequoias that once circled the island in green ...
( Category: Nature July 17,2024 )
epub |eng | 2023-08-29 | Author:Bradley J. Birzer;

Although political significance may be read into some of the more influential fantasies of our century, it is notable how successfully our fabulists have sheered away from ideology in an ...
( Category: Religion July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2017-07-15 | Author:Philip Ryken;

PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS As faithful friends, Frodo, Sam, and the other hobbits are models of Christian virtue and exemplars of the priesthood of all believers. They nobly bear one another’s burdens, ...
( Category: Religion July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Anna Vaninskaya;

Antiope is, of course, dead, and Lessingham himself is killed the following second, but the ‘flash’—like the flash of lightning in the night over Ambremerine which lifts the veil on ...
( Category: History & Criticism July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Thomas Kullmann;Dirk Siepmann; & Dirk Siepmann

telling stories, reciting poetry. In all of these instances, Tolkien follows literary practices which date back to periods preceding the eighteenth century. The present study aims at examining Tolkien’s use ...
( Category: 20th Century July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2023-02-01 | Author:Orange Hippo!;

( Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2015-01-14 | Author:Colin Duriez;

So what was it about “fairy stories” and fantasy that led Tolkien and Lewis in particular to want to rehabilitate them for a modern audience? Their reasons for this interest ...
( Category: British & Irish July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2012-09-20 | Author:Colin Duriez;

8 Leeds and dragons Leeds University lacked the bright, ancient splendour of Oxford. The sooty air from its manufacturing industry made its mock Gothic Victorian buildings grimy. A short walk ...
( Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Nick Groom;

Tolkien has become a monster, devoured by his own popularity and absorbed by the absurdity of our time . . . The chasm between the beauty and seriousness of the ...
epub |eng | 2005-07-15 | Author:Burns, Marjorie; [Burns, Marjorie]

Chapter Six Wisewomen, Shieldmaidens, Nymphs, and Goddesses There is no doubt that Tolkien idealized the masculine world of camaraderie, fealty, and fellowship, a world best depicted through high-minded adventure, through ...
( Category: 20th Century July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2012-04-25 | Author:Ware, Jim.

* * * REFLECTION True leaders endure their lot for the sake of others. A FORTUNATE MISTAKE So you see Bilbo had come in the end by the only road ...
( Category: British & Irish July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:David Day;

NORSE MYTHOLOGY The myths and legends of the Norse people found in a rich body of medieval texts, principally such Old Norse poems as the Poetic Edda and the Prose ...
( Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:David Day;

Southron Tribesman of Far Harad Subsequently, Tolkien’s chronologies inform us that, after five centuries, Gondor’s grip on power over Umbar slips from its grasp. In the year TA 1448, Gondor ...
( Category: 20th Century July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2020-02-25 | Author:David Day;

* * * PART FOUR THE QUEST OF THE LONELY MOUNTAIN A CONSPIRACY OF DWARVES The quiet life of Bilbo Baggins of Bag End is forever disturbed by the unexpected ...
( Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy July 16,2024 )