Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths
epub |eng | 2019-04-08 | Author:Kelly N. Jane [N. Jane, Kelly]

23 Jorg No one wanted to move. Jorg, Bremen, Selby, and Plintze lay on their backs, steadying their breathing and staring at the hazy skies overhead. The stars shimmered brightly ...
( Category: Norse July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2013-10-29 | Author:Tui T. Sutherland [Sutherland, Tui T.]

“Two doors past the library,” Fatespeaker muttered. “Something about a council chamber.” She paused at an intersection, looking down both tunnels and pressing her claws together. “I think I remember ...
( Category: Dragons, Unicorns & Mythical July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:E.D. Baker

Leonard, the talking horse, stuck his head over his door. Dribbling grain from his mouth, he said, ‘Hey, Stella! Bring any carrots for me today?’ ‘Of course!’ she said, and ...
( Category: Dragons, Unicorns & Mythical July 25,2024 )
pdf | | 2021-01-05 | Author:Tamara Macfarlane

( Category: Dragons, Unicorns & Mythical July 25,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-04-25 | Author:A.F. Steadman

KENNA GUILT Kenna Smith was riddled with guilt. Guilt was a burning oasis. It was wild foals fleeing from those who’d sworn to protect them and the broken threads of ...
( Category: Dragons, Unicorns & Mythical July 17,2024 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2010-07-15 | Author:Lukas Ritter [Ritter, Lukas]

Chapter Seventeen As the creature soared through the smoke and was illuminated by the raging bonfire, Evin realized he’d seen it before. Or, at least, a painting that looked very ...
( Category: Other July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2004-07-15 | Author:Matt Forbeck [Forbeck, Matt]

All three of the kids raced to the warrior’s side. “Is he dead?” Driskoll asked. Kellach felt the man’s throat and knelt down to listen for his breath. “Not yet,” ...
( Category: Other July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2005-07-15 | Author:Denise R. Graham [Graham, Denise R.]

“I thought you said those were parlor tricks!” Driskoll shouted at Kellach. Globs of pudding were flying his way. He grabbed a platter and used it as a shield. Kellach ...
( Category: Other July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2004-07-15 | Author:Denise R. Graham [Graham, Denise R.]

With a deafening squeal, the iron gate rose. As it receded into the ceiling, the sounds of gears and pulleys died out. “See?” said Kellach. “Now we’re on the right ...
( Category: Other July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2012-05-08 | Author:Jeff Sampson [Sampson, Jeff]

“Tea?” The Goblin Man loomed in Mudd’s face, his lips pressed together in a toad-like grin. Tilting his head, he gestured toward a small pot on the table before him. ...
( Category: Other July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2004-07-15 | Author:Ree Soesbee [Soesbee, Ree]

The tiny house in Broken Town was warm and friendly with a cozy fire heating the fireplace and lighting the main room. Kellach pulled the curtains closed over the windows, ...
( Category: Other July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2005-07-15 | Author:Dan Willis [Willis, Dan]

Karnac and his knights marched Davyn and his friends through another endless series of hallways and down a flight of stairs to a round stone room. A circular iron grate ...
( Category: Other July 15,2024 )
epub |eng | 2004-07-15 | Author:Dan Willis [Willis, Dan]

Two people stepped out from behind a tree. Davyn recognized both of them. One was Maul, one of the Highland Rangers. The other was Nearra. Davyn stole a quick glance ...
( Category: Other July 15,2024 )
mobi |eng | 2010-03-27 | Author:Tim Waggoner [Waggoner, Tim]

“Hey, I think I’ve found someone!” Oddvar made his way over to Fyren, walking across broken stones as easily as someone else would walk across a smooth tiled floor. It ...
( Category: Other July 15,2024 )
epub |eng | 2012-05-08 | Author:Ree Soesbee [Soesbee, Ree]

The darkness parted like velvet curtains, swirling back before her upraised hand. The belly of the mountain was hollow, holding a courtyard the size of a palace grounds. Once, the ...
( Category: Other July 15,2024 )