Seabreeze Reunion by Jan Moran

Seabreeze Reunion by Jan Moran

Author:Jan Moran [Moran, Jan]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781647781125
Publisher: Sunny Palms Press

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A little later, Ivy sat in the library, tending to her bookkeeping. Her mother had gone to help Shelly with Daisy.

Ivy left the French door slightly cracked for fresh airflow from the ocean. She could hear laughter from the pool where Misty, Sunny, Poppy, and Elena had gathered. While she worked, she liked hearing the sounds of people having a good time. Besides, when anyone was at the pool, her training made her aware of how fast accidents could occur. She liked to make sure guests in the pool area were safe.

Laughter broke out again. Whatever those four had in mind for reunion activities was sure to be fun and appeal to the young cousins, so Ivy trusted them to surprise her. She would enjoy whatever they planned, too.

Still, she’d be happy simply drinking a glass of wine by the fire pit, digging her toes into the cool sand, and breathing in the fresh sea breezes.

She smiled to herself. Ideally, with Bennett by her side, talking about the day they’d had.

She never tired of that.

Ivy was almost finished with her bookkeeping entries when she heard the sorority sisters return from their coastline cruise. The house was soon filled with friendly chatter and laughter.

Ivy loved hearing the activity of a full house, inside and out. People were enjoying themselves, and as an innkeeper, what could be better than that?

“Five more minutes,” Ivy said to herself as she neared the end of the expenses she was entering on the computer. Bookkeeping wasn’t her most exciting task, but she had learned to do it to run the business. Actually, it wasn’t so much different than when she’d managed her household budget, except that she tracked it on the computer now.

The inn was finally showing a small profit, even after salaries for her, Shelly, and Poppy, along with Sunny’s part-time work. Staying on top of their expenditures and forecasting revenue from their reservations helped her manage the cash flow needed for special events and repairs.

Through the cracked door, Ivy heard footsteps, then chairs scraping against the tile on the patio outside.

“I want to talk to you about the DNA results I received.”

With her fingers poised above the keyboard, Ivy paused. The voice was low but unmistakable. It’s Shelly. But who was she with? It had to be their mother. Ivy reached for another cash expense receipt to enter. She was glad that Shelly was telling Carlotta about the test she and Mitch had taken for Daisy.

“I appreciate you referring me to that company for the tests,” Shelly said. “However, I’m concerned about the accuracy. I think they should run the tests again.”

That’s odd. There was a pause, and Ivy turned to hear better. Not that she was eavesdropping…or rather, she didn’t mean to.

“Did you find something you didn’t expect?”

Ivy sucked in a soft breath. Beth. She lowered the receipt to the desk.

“It has to be a mistake.”

“That’s what people usually think at first.”

Another pause.

“Well, I just don’t see how it would be possible.


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