Balance by Peggy Jaeger

Balance by Peggy Jaeger

Author:Peggy Jaeger
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Peggy Jaeger
Published: 2021-09-01T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 11

“David’s birthday is this coming Saturday,” Decker said while we sat at his kitchen table enjoying the fabulous tasting chicken he’d prepared. Luckily, the extra time he’d let the dish marinate while we were occupied hadn’t done a thing to mar its taste. “We’re having a small party here on Saturday. Me, dad, my sister and her family. It would be nice if you could come, too. I know David would be thrilled.”

I did a quick mental calendar check to make sure I wasn’t on duty at the women’s center, then nodded. “I’m free on Saturday.”

His face lit up. “Great. I figured we’d do lunch, so around 12-ish?”

“Sounds good to me. What’s also good is this salad. No.” I shook my head. “Better than good. Restaurant quality. Your mother was a great cook.”

“Like I told you, she worked as a short order chef for over thirty years. You learn a lot about food, what works, what doesn’t, when you work that long in the food industry. Her recipe book has over two hundred meals and items in it.”

“If everything tastes like the dinner you made the other night and this, you should give serious consideration to publishing it. Comfort food like this”—I held up my chicken laden fork—“that tastes great and appeals to everyone, is always a hot seller.”

“You and my father have a similar mindset. He’s been saying for years her recipes would be wildly popular if she published them. Even before she died.”

I shrugged. “Maybe your dad could put everything together, organize all your favorites. It would give him something to do and I have to imagine it would be a real labor of love. A way to keep her memory alive. Something to think about, anyway, for the future.”

“Speaking of the future.” He dropped his fork and stretched his hand to take mine across the table. Willingly, I gave it. His smile touched his eyes, lit them up with an erotic flame that made my knees knock together under the table. “As soon as this meal is done, as promised, we’re going to start the naked part of the afternoon.”

I stopped chewing.

“That okay with you?” He tilted his head to the side.

I nodded, swallowed, then nodded again. Tingles of anticipation tripped down my spine. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been so excited to have sex.

Oh, wait. Yes I could: a half hour ago when we’d been spread out on his bed, doing wicked things to one another. Fully clothed. The hint of the body under his clothes was a bold memory and I was dying for a view of the complete package.

He squeezed my hand, grinned from ear to ear, then said, “Eat up. You’re gonna need your strength.”

A little Phil-of-old pushed through. “So, not so worried about being out of practice anymore, are you? Think you’re back up to speed?”

His laugh filled the space around us. “Practice makes perfect,” he said. “Although David’s sensei says perfect practice makes for perfection, so.” He lifted a shoulder.


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