Whisper of Spirits by A.J. Macey

Whisper of Spirits by A.J. Macey

Author:A.J. Macey [Macey, A.J.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: A.J. Macey


December 30th

Sunday Evening


“You’re getting food,” I directed to Mason, thankful for the years we had had together that allowed me to go toe to toe with the alpha shifter even when he was being all growly. Mason opened his mouth to argue but Cas coming out of the bathroom in a pair of skin-tight workout leggings and a tank stopped anything that was about to come out of his mouth. She eyed our group huddle with a brow raise but stayed silent as she tossed on her shoes and shoved her ear buds into her ears.

“You guys have fun doing whatever it is you weirdos are doing. I’ll be back from the gym in like an hour,” she stated simply, the door closing with a soft thud behind her. As soon as the door was shut, Mason’s attention whipped to me from where he had watched Casper leave.

“Why do I have to get food?” he huffed.

“Because you’re the one who pissed off Cas,” I explained. Mason’s demeanor immediately shifted, his eyes darting around as his shoulders rolled back.

“Ric is here,” he murmured through our mental link.

“How do you know?” Knox asked curiously, looking around.

“The air gets thicker, colder slightly,” Mason explained, “something about it sets my skin on edge.” After he finished his description, I realized I recognized the sensation, having noticed it absently whenever he was around before when he was following Mase and me. “Fine, I’ll go get food. Try and see if you can get him a bit more on board with Cas coming with us.”

“He already said he’s up for it,” I stated, “but it would be good to have him connect with more of us. Once you and Cas make up, then we can work on the two of you calling a truce.” Mason grumbled without argument as he threw on his coat, snatching the keys off the counter and exiting the room.

“So, how do we do this?” Knox inquired. “I’ve never tried to talk to a ghost before.”

“Yeah, same,” Flynn agreed.

“You’ve at least talked to shadows, that’s practically the same thing,” Knox challenged with a taunting smile.

Always stirring up trouble, I thought with a shake of my head. Flynn seemed to agree with just a roll of his eyes before looking at me.

“Hey, Ric,” I called out. “I know we haven’t been officially introduced, but this is Knox and Flynn.” Even though I knew what to expect, I still couldn’t stop the widening of my eyes as he appeared in the space Mason had just abandoned.

He was lean, but his muscled arms gave away that he had more muscle hiding under his t-shirt and jeans. He was shades of gray, his hair cropped short but long enough to look messy as it was brushed away from his face. Honestly, if I didn’t know he had been killed at eighteen, I would have assumed he was in his early twenties based on his chiseled cheekbones and strong jaw. Ric was clean-shaven, and his suspicious gaze darted between the three of us.


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