Untold Adventures (Dungeons & Dragons) by John Shirley & Alan Dean Foster & Lisa Smedman & Mark Sehestedt & Mike Resnick

Untold Adventures (Dungeons & Dragons) by John Shirley & Alan Dean Foster & Lisa Smedman & Mark Sehestedt & Mike Resnick

Author:John Shirley & Alan Dean Foster & Lisa Smedman & Mark Sehestedt & Mike Resnick [Shirley, John]
Language: eng
Format: mobi
ISBN: 9780786959341
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast Publishing
Published: 2011-06-07T00:00:00+00:00




Seawater moved against the hull planks like a lover’s whisper. The yellow sun of Athas was bright, and a westerly breeze stretched Horizon Finder’s sails, guiding the three-masted carrack toward the seaport of Arkhold.

Unexpected spray whipped up from the bow, and Jisanne laughed. She had untied her long brown hair, letting it blow loose and free. She drew a deep breath with a sense of wonder that these sailors did not feel. They didn’t understand how lucky they were to be there.

Captain Hurunn, a wealthy minotaur merchant with a large gold ring in one floppy ear, said, “A long voyage, a full cargo hold, even a net overloaded with fresh fish—time for me to settle down and enjoy my profits.” Even when he was in a good mood, Hurunn’s voice sounded like a gruff growl. From what little Jisanne knew from her brief previous visits to this glorious time, she doubted the minotaur captain would ever settle down.

With gentle reverence, she touched the opalescent crystal mounted to the compass stand. “The navigation crystal always finds its way back here.” She was never sure how clearly the ship’s captain and crew could see or hear her.

Hurunn snorted. “It’s what the navigation crystal is for—to guide its owner home. It’s a simple enough spell.”

Jisanne shuddered at his casual attitude, forcing herself to remember that these people did not automatically hate and fear magic users, regardless of whether they were defilers or preservers. Whatever disasters had robbed Athas of this beauty had not happened yet. The world was still fresh and alive, as it Athas had been before its possibilities were stolen.

Horizon Finder entered the mouth of the harbor and crewmen gathered on deck, waving at the numerous fishing boats, feluccas, and galleys. They were all eager to get back to port.

High above, the elf lookout yelled, his already-thin voice an even higher pitch. “To arms—sea serpent off the stern! It’s following us!”

As the crew scrambled to snag harpoons and bows, a fearsome triangular head rose up, streaming seawater from its golden scales. Its hinged jaw dropped open to reveal long fangs. A short distance away, a second monster rose up.

“That’s two sea serpents, not one,” Hurunn growled. “I need a better lookout for my next voyage.”

The pair of serpents glided toward Horizon Finder, intent on attack. Seeing the swollen net of still-squirming fish suspended by a rope and winch above the stern, Jisanne had a sudden realization. “The fish—the serpents want the fish.”

“Of course they want the fish. They always want the fish,” the minotaur said, not overly concerned. “I was hoping we’d make it all the way to Arkhold, but these waters are infested with cursed sea serpents. A small enough price to pay.”

With a deep bellow such as only a minotaur could manage, Hurunn commanded his sailors to swing the boom over the water. The sea serpents pressed closer to the dangling net, snapping at the spray in the carrack’s wake. “Dump the catch!”

As twitching fish rained down, the serpents frolicked in the water, greedily feasting.


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