The Witch On Main Street (The Wickeden Inquisitor Mysteries Book 1) by Jo Hamilton

The Witch On Main Street (The Wickeden Inquisitor Mysteries Book 1) by Jo Hamilton

Author:Jo Hamilton [Hamilton, Jo]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2020-06-17T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter Twenty Four

A nother day had passed and still no more deaths in the witching world. There were plenty of misused spells causing injury. There were serious ailments and death by old age, but no untoward deaths caused by a spell or potion. This just helped put the nail in the coffin of alchemist Velma Sparrowgrass’s guilt, though many believed she was not behind the deaths. As glaringly obvious proof of her likely innocence, she had no motive. No need to kill these witches and warlocks, and even though she was questioned several times by the constabulary as to why she committed such a heinous crime, they could not form a solid reasoning for her to do so, apart from money. But her bank accounts, which were frozen on her arrest, did not show large amounts of money deposited over the last few weeks. The constabulary came to the conclusion that she had an account in the commoners’ world, or hidden from view in the witching world. However, Velma Sparrowgrass and her husband denied it, and still the funds drawn from the accounts of the Cockspurs, Billy Smitherly, Delia Milfoil, Conrad Blummont and now Angelica, or Mrs. Castle as Edie knew her, still remain missing.

Another glaringly obvious reason that Velma Sparrowgrass was not behind these deaths was what the ministers did not dare to admit: the forbidden practice of dark arts was used to conjure up this potion. The Sparrowgrass house was searched by the constabulary from top to bottom, both physically and by using revealing spells, and they could not find dark art texts, or ingredients to make this particular recipe of death. They also came to the conclusion that the recipe must be hidden in the same place as the stolen funds. There’s no evidence of this of course, and the Sparrowgrass’s fervent denial supports that.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Sparrowgrass cannot deny the signum formulae she made with her own hands for underground troublemakers contained the poison that killed the Hanged Six. Mrs. Mary Cockspur did not have the membership emblem but she still carried the same symptoms as the other victims – thick, black blood.

Edie’s mind circled continuously, as she filled the large glass canisters with a fresh shipment of dried herbs. Even the gorgeous scents of spearmint, lemongrass and lemonbalm were not enough to pull her mind out of the Hanged Six case and onto the task at hand. She’d already spilled dried hibiscus petals all over the floor and dropped a bottle of liquid valerian. The glass smashed and the liquid herb splattered over the floorboards. The strong valerian scent, similar to stale cat-pee, permeated the entire store making her and anyone else who entered rather drowsy. From that point onwards, she had to keep the door open to let the fresh air in. But with the door open, the bell refused to work, so Edie had to be vigilant, remaining out on the shop floor at all times in case a nasty visitor from the witching world were to appear.


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