The Retribution (Stonecrusher Legacy Book 4) by David K. MacDowell

The Retribution (Stonecrusher Legacy Book 4) by David K. MacDowell

Author:David K. MacDowell [MacDowell, David K.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: LMBPN Publishing
Published: 2024-04-04T00:00:00+00:00

Strong hands grip my boots, dragging me out of my tent and my blissful slumber.

“Piss off, Mal. I’m the chief and need my sleep,” I mumble with a grin.

“Heck, no, buddy.” Mal smirks. “If I’m up at five, you are, too. It’s time to chat with our cartographer friend.”

“Where’s the respect for your chief?” I croak as I stretch, trying to get my blood flowing.

“Best friends and girlfriends are allowed to overrule chiefs so we can keep you in line. It’s a real thing. Ask Nick the next time you see him. He’ll confirm.”

I know he’s joking, but it comes from a place of love.

I push off the frozen ground and woozily stand, happily accepting the mug of coffee Temp offers as she bids me good morning. As Mal casts his modified scry spell, I execute the morning ritual of greeting the team and asking how everyone is doing before we get to business.

Mallick’s conversation is always odd to listen to because we only hear his side. “Can you make that area larger, Elashor? Yes, that one there. See that little dip in the forest on the left, the one with no trees? We’re there.”

During Mal’s meeting, I survey our campsite to judge how our spider-defense turned out.

I would rate it as a success. Spider webs surround our campsite, wrapping around tree trunks and branches from ground level to ten feet up while crisscrossing from tree to tree to protect from above.

“Ook, having Jules as our night watch was brilliant. Her webbing is thorough, and I think she was more in touch with our surroundings than if one of us stayed awake.”

The dwarven warrior scratches his mount’s fuzzy head. “She’s a remarkable partner and loved helping. It made her feel part of the team.”

“Can you speak to Jules?”

He snorts. “I’ve watched men use a thousand words without anyone comprehending their message. Words are overrated. Jules and I communicate differently.”

“Thank her for us and ask if she’ll be our night sentry. Her web is superior to having us staying up, exhausted.” I gesture at the elaborate pattern surrounding our campsite.

“I’ll let her know.”

My focus returns to Mal as he wraps up his conversation.

“Okay. Thanks, Elashor. Stay safe.” Mal’s eyes refocus on our surroundings. “There’s trouble in Ahn’Ziu. Tasserion said more elves are loyal to the Elves First movement than they previously thought. Skirmishes are a daily occurrence in the city and palace. Queen Sylmara is having a rough time of it.”

Temp’s concerned expression conflicts with her words. “Mother has the entire elven army at her disposal. Surely she can control those upstart elves.”

Temp finishes grooming Mongo before attaching his barding for the day’s ride. Throughout the process, she never stops talking to him. Mom says people act like this to distract their minds from horrible situations.

“What else did she say?” I ask Mal as he munches on a breakfast sausage.

“Elashor said we made good time and are about two days away from the first village. If we continue to follow the river, we should have no problem.


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