Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion by Emile Coué

Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion by Emile Coué

Author:Emile Coué
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Publisher: G&D Media
Published: 2019-07-15T00:00:00+00:00

Thoughts and Precepts of Emile Coué

Recorded By M ME. E MILE LEON.

“It is not the person who acts, it is the method.”

“We can make, to ourselves, very much stronger suggestions than anyone else can, whoever that person may be.”

“I do not impose anything on anybody. I simply help people to do what they would like to do, but what they believe themselves incapable of doing. It is not a contest but an association which exists between them and myself. It is not I that act, but a power existing in themselves, which I teach them to use.”

“Contrary to general opinion, autosuggestion is able to cure organic lesions.”

“Don’t bother about the cause of an ailment; be concerned only about the effect, and to make that effect disappear, if such be at all natural.”

“The words: I would like to, always imply: But I cannot. If you suffer, never say: ‘I will try to get rid of this or that,’ but say: ‘I am going to cause it to disappear,’ for, if there is doubt, there is no result.”

“The key to my METHOD is in the knowledge that the imagination is superior to the will. If both go together in the same direction, as in saying for instance: ‘I will and I can,’ they are perfectly in accord; otherwise the imagination always wins over the will.”

“Many, who have taken medical treatments all their lives, expect to be cured at once by autosuggestion. That is a mistake. It is unreasonable to expect anything like that. It is useless to ask more of autosuggestion than what it can normally bring about, that is to say: a progressive improvement which slowly transforms itself into complete recovery, if the latter is at all natural.”

“Develop the habit of expressing yourselves promptly, clearly, simply and with calm determination. Speak briefly, but distinctly—use no unnecessary words.”

“Cultivate self-control. Avoid anger, for anger burns up our reserve energy; it weakens us. Anger never accomplishes anything good—only destroys. It is always an obstacle to success.”

“Let us be calm, gentle, benevolent, sure of ourselves, and moreover let us be self-sufficient.”

“The Unconscious self directs everything, both the physical and the moral. It presides over the functions of all the organs down to the infinitesimal cells of our system, through the intermediary of the nerves.”

“To be afraid of becoming ill is to invite illness.”

“It is an illusion to think that you have no illusions.”

“Do not spend time trying to find maladies that you may possibly have; if you have no real ones, you are sure to create artificial ones.”

“Man may be compared to a basin with a faucet at the top for filling, and a drain at the bottom (of larger diameter than the faucet) for emptying. If the drain be closed, the basin may be filled and kept full. When both vents are open at the same time, the basin is always empty. What happens, on the other hand, if the drain remains closed and the faucet open? The basin fills up and overflows.

“Now then, let us all keep our ‘drains’ closed, that is, let us not waste our strength.


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