Royal Assassin (UK) by Robin Hobb

Royal Assassin (UK) by Robin Hobb

Author:Robin Hobb
Language: eng
Format: azw3
Tags: Fantasy
ISBN: 9780006480105
Publisher: Harper Voyager
Published: 1996-03-31T21:00:00+00:00



‘Of stone were their bones made, of the spark­ling veined stone of the moun­tains. Their flesh was made of the shin­ing salts of the earth. But their hearts were made of the hearts of wise men.

‘They came from afar, those men, a long and try­ing way. They did not hes­it­ate to lay down the lives that had be­come a wear­i­ness to them. They ended their days and began etern­it­ies, they put aside flesh and donned stone, they let fall their weapons and rose on new wings. Eld­er­lings.’

When the King fi­nally summoned me, I went to him. True to my prom­ise to my­self, I had not vol­un­tar­ily gone to his cham­bers since that af­ter­noon. Bit­ter­ness still ate at me over his ar­range­ments with Duke Brawndy con­cern­ing Celer­ity and me. But a sum­mons from one’s king was not a thing to be ig­nored, re­gard­less of what an­ger churned in­side me still.

King Shrewd sent for me on an au­tumn morn­ing. It had been at least two months since I had last stood be­fore him. I had ig­nored the wounded looks the Fool flung at me when I en­countered him, and turned aside Ver­ity’s oc­ca­sional query as to why I had not sought out Shrewd’s cham­ber. It was easy enough. Wal­lace still guarded his door like a ser­pent on the hearth, and the King’s poor health was no secret from any­one. No one was ad­mit­ted to his rooms be­fore noon any more. So I told my­self this morn­ing sum­mons be­tokened some­thing im­port­ant.

I had thought the morn­ing would be­long to me. An un­season­ably early and vi­cious au­tumn storm had poun­ded us for two days. The driv­ing wind was mer­ci­less, while drench­ing rain prom­ised that any­one in an open boat would be fully oc­cu­pied with bail­ing. I had spent the even­ing be­fore in the tav­ern with the rest of the Rurisk’s crew, toast­ing the storm and wish­ing the Red Ships the full kiss of it. I had come back to the keep to tumble sud­denly into my bed, cer­tain that I could sleep as long as I wished the next morn­ing. But a de­term­ined page had battered my door un­til sleep for­sook me, and then de­livered to me the King’s formal sum­mons.

I washed, shaved, smoothed my hair back into a tail and donned clean clothes. I steeled my­self to be­tray noth­ing of my smoul­der­ing re­sent­ment. When I was con­fid­ent I was mas­ter of my­self, I left my cham­ber. I presen­ted my­self at the King’s door. I fully ex­pec­ted Wal­lace to sneer and turn me aside. But this morn­ing he opened the door promptly to my knock. His glance was still dis­ap­prov­ing, but he im­me­di­ately ushered me into the King’s pres­ence.

Shrewd sat be­fore his hearth in a cush­ioned chair. Des­pite my­self, my heart sank at how wasted he had be­come. His skin was pa­pery and trans­lu­cent as parch­ment, his fin­gers gone to bone. His face sagged, skin droop­ing where flesh had once held it firm. His dark eyes were sunken into his face. He clasped his hands in his lap in a ges­ture I knew well.


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