Rise of the Petrol Queen by Jon Hartless

Rise of the Petrol Queen by Jon Hartless

Author:Jon Hartless
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Rise of the Petrol Queen
ISBN: 9781786156921
Publisher: Accent Press
Published: 2019-10-14T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter Thirteen

BRITAIN Going to the DOGS! by Harvey McArdle.

After our shocking EXCLUSIVE scoop some weeks ago that the infamous POPPY ORPINGTON is setting up her own business, the Daily Post has launched an investigation and what we have discovered will horrify our readers. Concerned residents are concerned about the NOISES of this new factory in their sleepy little quarter. It has been claimed the noise of a petrol engine can damage the hearing of a child from half a mile away, so what will several such engines be like? Pity the poor working man who has to get up for work after being kept awake all night by the sound of socialism running through the night!

I am informed that Miss Orpington, as good breeding compels me to call this modern harpy, has already tried to invade the man’s world by working in a factory where, owing to her lack of understanding of machinery, she lost her arm in an industrial accident.56 One would hope she will soon realise her place is, as God intended, the HOME, and that she will return there forthwith before risking her life or anyone else’s.

Of course, this ill-advised socialistic venture is bound to FAIL. History tells us so. It therefore begs the question why anyone would think we want a petrol-driven motor car. Steam has been good enough for us for years past, so why the tyranny of change? Let us hope for a speedy return to COMMON SENSE before women driving cars, fixing cars, and even selling cars, becomes acceptable and brings all the other deviants out of the woodwork.


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