Of Plains and Fire: An Epic Fantasy Adventure (Selah Book 2) by Ella Walker Henderson

Of Plains and Fire: An Epic Fantasy Adventure (Selah Book 2) by Ella Walker Henderson

Author:Ella Walker Henderson [Henderson, Ella Walker]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2022-09-06T04:00:00+00:00


Jessamine leaned an elbow over the back railing of the garden bench. A muffler of fox fur warmed her hands under the long sleeves of her cloak. Hers was not as elaborate as the Heir’s or her father’s. It was like Julian’s. She hadn’t been allowed to bring it to Alethia with her, so she enjoyed wrapping it snugly around her now. Her hood had fallen back, but she did not raise it.

“They should be in the Red City by now,” Jessamine said.

Henric smoothed his long, pale fingers over the fox fur. “Patience, my love.”

“For how long? I hoped that as soon as they arrived, Desa would seek me.”

“Perhaps their travel through the plains takes longer than expected.”

“She’s a kabaraq. She should be able to move quickly.”

“If she travels with Lord William, then she will not move faster than a horse’s pace, nor would she leave her horse behind, regardless. If she is here, then there are far too many guards to sneak past, even for someone as talented as Desa of Sulyan.”

“Father stationed far too many in this garden, and there are far too many that follow us, even after I dismissed a few for the night. Do you believe the Heir has any of them spying on us?”

Henric smiled and pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Undoubtedly.”

She didn’t voice her other concern. That not only the Heir or the Emperor would spy on them, but the new blooming questions of whether or not Turiel would.

He was omniscient, as if he knew and thought of everything. If he was smart, which of course he was, he would pay one of the guards in her service.

But what did it matter? She had nothing to hide from Turiel. Nothing related to the Qinnowr.

Henric leaned in and gave her a light kiss. He held back and looked into her eyes. “What is it? You’ve been brooding of late, with more of a faraway gaze.”

Jessamine slid her fingers along the soft lining of the cloak. She wasn’t yet ready to voice her doubts of Turiel, not even to Henric. “I told you some of my new plans. The meeting with my father’s merchants. My mind fixes on those discussions quite often.”

It was true. They always rolled around somewhere in her thoughts.

Henric tilted his head. “I never realized the full extent of your head for numbers. Have you made any arrangements with the merchants?”

Jessamine bit her lip with the buzzing thrill that came with these thoughts. “Yes, only initial ones. I’ve brokered a new deal with a few trade caravans in the temple district. I’m starting with common goods, like salt, but will build to more luxury items.”

“Did you have the necessary capital?”

Her husband had never been one to understand money, other than when he needed it to buy more books or travel in his youth. “Yes, I made a decent investment. I loathed the idea of borrowing from my father so I did not reach beyond our capability. This venture is ours and ours alone.


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