Neptune's Window by L L Lewin

Neptune's Window by L L Lewin

Author:L L Lewin [Lewin, L L]
Language: eng
Format: epub


Aries stood like a mannequin as Michelle approached her.

“Hi,” she said, hugging Aries, reeking of marijuana.

“Well, hello,” Paige said with a twisted smile as her sister waved.

“Are you okay?” Paige asked. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” She giggled. “Ghost. Ooh, ghost. Ha, that’s fun to say, ghost.”

“Or three ghosts,” Kaylie said, with bloodshot eyes. She held up three fingers.

Paige laughed.

Aries had to get out of there. “Piper said everybody went home.”

“Nope.” Michelle put her finger to her lip. “Shh. Don’t tell anybody, but we were getting high.” She pointed to the sky.

“Oh, so high,” Kaylie added.

“Did you guys know I was here?” Aries asked.

Paige shrugged. “We’re high, not detectives. Don’t hold it against us.”

“No,” Aries said. “Did you hear Piper and me playing guitar?”

“Again, we’re wasted.” Paige shook her head. “Geez.”

“Good, so you didn’t hear anything?”

“Dude, what’s up with all the questioningsis?” Paige asked. She looked at her sister. “Is that a word?”

“No,” Aries said, irritated but relieved they didn’t hear her conversation with Piper.

“It should be.” Paige giggled. “I like it. Questioningsis.” She coughed for a moment. “What’s up with Pipes?”

“Looks like you guys had a rough night,” Aries said.

“Oh, yeah, we did.” Michelle clung onto Paige, steading herself. “Where’s Brando?”

Aries shrugged, while Paige went over and shook Piper.

“Should we go?” Aries asked.

“Yes,” Michelle said. “I’m starving.”

“Me, too.” Kaylie held up two fingers. “French fries.”

“Yes, I’m starving,” Michelle repeated.

“C’mon, Aries,” Paige said. “Get lunch with us.”

“Thank you, but I should go home.”

“Okay.” Paige picked up her purse. “We’ll give you a ride.”

“You guys are high. I’ll call my dad.”

“We don’t drive.” Paige curled her lip.

Kaylie laughed.

Paige took out her phone. “Driving service.”

The girls waited outside the gated community for a few minutes. Aries thanked God when the car arrived. She wouldn’t have lasted another second listening to the girls have three different conversations at the same time.

After giving the driver her address, Aries had to put up with the girls arguing about where to have lunch.

When the driver pulled into the alley, Paige said, “How cute, it’s so tiny.”

Aries couldn’t get out of the car fast enough. “Thanks for the ride.”

“Sure.” Paige hung her head out the window. She whispered, “And don’t worry, your little secret’s safe with us.”

The car drove away. What? “What secret?” she shouted.

Fuming as she ascended the stairs, Aries said, “She better not be talking about Piper and Jake.”

She opened the door, finding her father sprawled out on the couch, watching a football game. “Hey Kiddo, you’re home early.” He sat up. “How’d you get home?”

“Apparently when you’re rich, you can order a driving service any time you want.”

“Good to know. Hey, you don’t look happy. Did something happen with Piper?”

“No. I had a lot of fun with her. I just have a bad feeling.”

“About what?” he asked. “Here, sit down.”

She sat. “About a different girl. It’s probably nothing,” she said, unable to erase the image of Paige hanging out the window.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She tried to shake off the bad feeling. “You want to watch a movie?”



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