Murder and a Mulled Wine by Elizabeth Clover

Murder and a Mulled Wine by Elizabeth Clover

Author:Elizabeth Clover [Clover, Elizabeth]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Red Clover Publishing
Published: 2023-11-29T16:00:00+00:00




7:19 pm

Russell and I found ourselves back at Waves from the Sky two nights in a row. Varun got us tickets to the charity event–whether the tickets were real or not, I had my doubts. What was real, however, was the small two person table set aside for Russell and I. It was in between the bar and a standing heater, in an awkward–but manageable–space. Just enough room to place an extra table without drawing too much attention to it.

Waves from the Sky was beautifully decorated with snow-frosted garlands across every table, stunning poinsettias lining the entrance, and red berry stems and pinecone displays throughout the restaurant. Place cards with our names were elegant—black fancy lettering on glittery, silver paper.

The guests were trickling in, taking their time and socializing. I turned my head to survey the rest of the place, and narrowed my eyes. Sitting next to Celeste was a man with a mustache and a thin frame. They were at a table with three other people, and realization hit me.

I nudged Russell. “That’s the table of Jodi’s mentees.”

“Tamika Thomas, Mandy Flores, and Willie Young,” he read out loud, glancing at their place cards. “Now, how will we whisk them away to get them to spill the tea? We should be in a teahouse, not a bar.”

“Alcohol makes for loose lips.” I spoke with confidence. “And, they have to walk by us to get a drink.”

“They can order drinks at their table, though?”

I gazed at the table, watching them closely. “Not if they don’t want to be there. . .”

The place card of the woman who just stood read Tamika Thomas. She wore a navy blue dress with a smart blazer in a darker navy hue. Her curls rested on her shoulders, with pearl drop earrings and a simple diamond necklace. And she was headed straight for the bar, without a backwards glance at her table.

Varun was working the event, so I quickly sidled up to the bar where he was mixing a drink. Tamika arrived next to me moments later.

“I’d like a cranberry mimosa,” I ordered from Varun, keeping with the cranberry trend I was on. Tamika went with a hot toddy, and we stood there waiting for them to be made.

“It’s a beautiful evening,” I commented.

Tamika dipped her head in agreement. “The children’s hospital is going to be well-cared for tonight.”

“Jodi would be delighted.”

Tamika turned toward me, a look of sadness crossing her face. “You knew Jodi?”

“No, but my friend Celeste did. She’s over there.” I pointed her out.

“Ah, Celeste is wonderful. She’s going places, once she decides what direction to travel in.”

I tried to give off an uninterested vibe when I spoke next—I was sure it did not come across that way, but hopefully it was less interested than the real dying to know interest I did have. “I noticed you’re at a table with all of Jodi’s mentees.”

Annoyance shone on her striking features. “That wasn’t supposed to happen. Aria meant well, though.


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