Maxwell Grant - The Shadow - 256 by Maxwel l Grant

Maxwell Grant - The Shadow - 256 by Maxwel l Grant

Author:Maxwel,l Grant
Language: eng
Format: epub, pdf


ONCE In Ingle's office, Commissioner Weston came right to the point. He named Larkin Sparr as a go-between employed by Rupe Bonsal and Mart Ingle. When Mart took that statement with a dubious frown, Weston announced the facts of Sparr's murder.

Surprise showed on Mart's face, but it wasn't tinged with grief. He still denied acquaintance with Sparr, but remarked that according to descriptions of the fellow, his death wasn't a great loss. Rising, Mart

started to bow the visitors out, whereupon violence proclaimed itself.

Cardona, and Hargood both grabbed Mart and thrust him back into his chair, which tilted and rolled him on the floor. Mart scrambled to his feet, hot under his rumpled collar. Cooling suddenly, he showed a perfect display of suavity.

Pulling a batch of keys from his pocket, he unlocked all the desk drawers and yanked them wide, waving for his accusers to rummage through them. While that was going on, Mart stepped to the corner and opened the vault. He waved that way, suggesting that Cardona and Hargood inspect the whole interior for the portmanteau that Mart had never seen.

Next, Mart pressed a button on the desk, then stepped to the big mirror to smooth his tuxedo and stroke his wavy hair. A parade of waiters answered Mart's ring. Still facing the mirror, he called upon them to testify where he had been during the past hour.

One man stated the truth, declaring that Mart had talked business with a customer named Boyette. From then on, they lied better than troopers.

Another declared that he'd brought in a dinner check for Mart's O.K., and produced the initialed document to prove it. A third went out to bring in the patron who signed the check, recalling that he'd seen him outside Mart's office at the time.

The customer arrived, and unwittingly helped the cause by saying he was sure that Mart had been in the office, because he'd heard the waiter talking with him.

By that time, another of Mart's staff was telling how he'd answered a phone call at Mart's order, since Mart was watching the floor show at the time. Nor did the alibi crew stop there. One waiter departed and came back with a brawny chef, who solemnly swore that Mart had spent ten minutes in the kitchen supervising the planking of a steak for a very special customer. The waiter produced a dinner check to prove it, and the chef offered to bring in the plank.

Whereupon, Commissioner Weston called a final halt to the quiz and dismissed the witnesses.

"Your alibi stands, Ingle," Weston declared. "I know what you're going to say. We're always welcome.

That's your usual line of talk."

"Tonight happens to be unusual." Mart finished adjusting his tie and turned from the mirror. His tone was crisp, not smooth. "On this occasion, Mr. Commissioner, I am telling you to get out—and stay out! That applies to these two"—he nudged at Cardona and Hargood— "and I'll tell you why."

"If they don't stay away, I'll have them up for assault and battery for the way they treated me a while ago.


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