Maxwell Grant - The Shadow - 107 by Maxwel l Grant

Maxwell Grant - The Shadow - 107 by Maxwel l Grant

Author:Maxwel,l Grant
Language: eng
Format: epub, pdf

There was a fire tower dead ahead. Its door was open. The blinks of the flashlight could have been seen from outside. Shielded by darkness, The Shadow moved to the doorway. There he paused, chose an angled position and raised his flashlight half above his head. He pressed the torch's switch.

An odd effect was produced. The position of the light caused The Shadow's figure to throw a silhouette against the opposite wall, by the door of the fire tower. There, like a living shape, rested a hawkish, hatted profile. The Shadow waited two full seconds.

A pop sounded from an alleyway across the street below. A whistle sizzed through darkness. A bullet from an air gun pinged the edge of the flattened silhouette. The light clicked off. The Shadow delivered a mocking laugh from the fire tower, as he whipped forth an automatic.

Footsteps clattered distant in the alleyway. The Shadow replaced the .45 beneath his cloak. Once again, a thrust from the darkness had failed. This time at The Shadow's design. The Shadow had been watching for an outside lurker.

The Shadow's laugh was echoed with a whisper. This aftermath enabled him to calculate new facts.

Again he had gained proof that the underworld was deeply concerned in the past two crimes.

That meant thugs and lesser killers as servers of some supercrook.

An indication that Sledge Ringo could be in the game, even though the broken mallet was a blind. The Shadow planned work for the morrow; new trails to track through the bad lands of Manhattan.

There was work, too, for to-night. Unfortunately, The Shadow had not gained the one clue that he needed to prevent a coming crime.


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