Lethally Nuts by Amber Boffin

Lethally Nuts by Amber Boffin

Author:Amber Boffin [Boffin, Amber]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Avenoak
Published: 2021-10-14T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Fourteen

As soon as she arrived back home, Maggie let her excited dogs out, noticing they were eager to go after something they had seen. Beans followed a scent right away and stopped close to the house. Maggie looked down at what Beans was assiduously sniffing. “Beans, what is it? But that’s where the bicycle was…search, search.”

The little terrier went around in circles before running along the driveway with Maggie just behind and Carrot pouncing around as if it was a fun game. There was a honk. Maggie shouted, “Beans, watch out, heel!”

Adam shouted through his open window, “Be careful! I nearly ran you all over. What are you tracking?” He leaned over the window and looked at Beans, who had her nose in the dirt, sniffing and blowing next to his wheel. The dog hesitated for a second then sniffed the air in the direction of Moose Lodge. She paused and looked up at Maggie.

“Good dog, Beans, very good dog,” Maggie said.

Adam shook his head.

“I trained them not to follow a scent beyond our land, and it worked!” She picked up her little terrier and rubbed her behind the ears. “I’m so sorry. You really surprised us.”

“So did you! What were you doing? Following a bear?”

“No, no, a bicycle. Not the actual bike, though. Someone parked it here earlier today and now left with it. It’s the same bike that was at Ms. Rigby’s place when I bumped into the thief.”

She looked up at the window to see if Mr. Rigby was still there, although he wouldn’t be at the window. He must have cycled away, but the direction of the tire marks wasn’t toward Arthur and Bettie’s boat launch to access their island. He had tricked her by using her father, and she was angry. “Adam, come, follow me quick. I suspect someone stole the parrot. I think it’s Mr. Rigby.”

“Mr. Rigby? Maggie, you aren’t making any sense.”

“Just follow me; I’ll explain in a moment. I need to see if Lulu is still there, because I left her alone for a bit.”

“You left the house?”

“Yes, Raj needed my help…”

“I’m completely confused.” He stopped at the door. “If you don’t tell me what’s going on, I won’t go inside.”

“Mr. Rigby, Holly’s husband, was hiding in my place. He was here with Lulu. She’s really his bird, even more so than Holly’s. Please come.” She pulled at his sleeve.

Beans wiggled out of Maggie’s arms like an electric sausage and barked her way toward Lulu’s room. She scratched and scratched on the panel Maggie had placed in the hallway to prevent the dogs from bothering Lulu.

Maggie put her hand on the doorknob. “Quiet, Beans. Shht, do you hear that?”

“A moan. Let me go in. Step back, Maggie.” Adam opened the door wide.

Mr. Rigby was lying on the floor of the room, hands and feet tied with the ropes from Lulu’s cage, a cloth around his mouth. The back of his head was bleeding. The cage and Lulu were gone.

“Mr. Rigby, are


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