Hair Today, Dead Tomorrow by Amber Crewes

Hair Today, Dead Tomorrow by Amber Crewes

Author:Amber Crewes [Crewes, Amber]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Pen-n-a-Pad Publishing
Published: 2024-01-14T00:00:00+00:00


“The nerve of some people,” Summer muttered under her breath as she crossed the street toward the Inn. After what she’d uncovered about Councilman Harding and how he made his real estate fortune, she had half a mind to go back there and give him another piece of her mind.

But she had more important things to do. So what if he had the ear of half the business owners in this town. And so what if he was the only person Mrs. Beesley would trust to advise her on the sale of the salon.

Maybe she was fooling herself by thinking it was a possibility, anyway. What made her think she could drop everything and move across the country to open her own hair salon? One week ago, she’d been a clerk at a prestigious law firm, climbing her way up a corporate ladder that had ruthlessly spit her out at its earliest convenience. This whole salon idea was a pipe dream, anyway.

She needed to focus. Her aunt’s name was being dragged through the mud and it was up to her to clear it. She needed to speak to Jennifer, to find out what her mom had been working on, or just how much she trusted her hot new step-father. Anything that could lead her to the real killer and give her aunt back her freedom.

Summer paused outside the front door of the Inn, half admiring the antiquated charm, and half begging for Jennifer to still be inside.

“Welcome to the Manor House Inn,” a bright, cheerful young woman said from behind the reception desk. “Are you checking in?”

“No, I…” Summer hesitated for just a moment as the plan formed. “I’m extending my stay but my current lodging will be unavailable. I was hoping you would have some sort of long-term rental I could book?”

“Why, yes. Happens all the time. Something about Spring Harbor makes it impossible to leave. I actually came here on a vacation three years ago and, well…” The woman smiled wide as she waved her hand to show how that story ended.

“It’s so lovely. I’m fascinated by the architecture, too. How you manage to straddle the line between hip beach town and cozy village.” Summer continued complimenting the inn and the town as she looked for Jennifer. She was not in the lobby, so either she had a room here or she was meeting someone who did. Someone who maybe wasn’t her husband?

No, she shook that thought out of her head. She had no basis for such accusations. And what would it matter? Her having an affair wouldn’t lead to her mother’s death. Would it?

No sooner had the question left her mind, she caught a glimpse of Jennifer’s arm rushing out a side door. Summer was sure it belonged to her, because she wore the same bangles as she’d noticed at the sheriff’s office. Not only that, as the door closed on her, Summer was sure she saw a mass of dark hair, as if someone had been waiting there for her.


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