Girls Against Girls by Bonnie Burton

Girls Against Girls by Bonnie Burton

Author:Bonnie Burton
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Zest
Published: 2013-02-12T00:00:00+00:00

strategy 3 FORGIVE

Just ended a long fight with a friend? After you clear the air, let the incident go. Sometimes we fall into the nasty trap of holding a grudge. We say we’ve forgiven the people who have wronged us but then remember every bad thing our friends (and boyfriends, parents, siblings, and teachers) have ever done and bring it up again during every fight. By doing this, we’re not really forgiving them. If you look up “forgiveness” in most dictionaries, it says something like “the process of ceasing to feel resentment, indignation, or anger against another person for a perceived offence.” In other words, when you forgive a friend you can’t continue to be angry about what she did and still want her to suffer for it.

That, of course, doesn’t mean you should let people treat you badly. If someone continually treats you like crap, your self-esteem will be sure to suffer. In these cases, it may be time to cut these so-called friends loose (see page 64).


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