Duty to the Dead by Laura Greenwood

Duty to the Dead by Laura Greenwood

Author:Laura Greenwood [Greenwood, Laura]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Drowlgon Press


Snow drifts through the air and I pull my coat tighter around me and readjust my scarf as I search the crowds around me for Hannu.

The moment I spot him, I lift my hand and wave.

He returns the gesture and hurries over, all wrapped up in a winter coat and a woolly hat that makes him look a lot younger than he does when he's in the mortuary being all serious. It's enough to make me believe he's actually twenty.

"Hey," he says.

"Hi. It's snowing," I say needlessly.

"It'll do that this time of year."

"I love the snow," I respond, holding out my hand to catch a flake, glad I thought to put gloves on when I left the temple. "Do you think it's bad luck that it's snowing on the day of Ra's rebirth? Aren't we supposed to be able to see the sun?"

"They'll be able to in Egypt," he responds. "I don't imagine they took the British weather into account when they originally came up with the festival."

"Ah, true." I smile at him. "So, shall we?" I gesture to the entrance of the festival grounds. Even from outside, I can smell the various scents of cooking food.

Hannu nods and falls into step beside me.

The festival grounds are unsurprisingly busy, just like it is whenever there's a festival on. Though I don't always make my way down here for them. Maybe I will now I'm actually working and need the break a little bit more.

I glance to the side. And maybe I'll do it more if I have someone to go with.

"So, sun cakes or spiced wine first?" he asks.

"Both. You have to take a bite of your sun cake and then you take a sip of the wine, it tastes better that way." My mouth waters at the thought of the sweet and fluffy cakes.

"I can't say I've ever tried that, but we should, why don't you go get the sun cakes, and I'll get the spiced wine?"

"Sure. Sounds good." I head over to the stall where the sun cakes are sizzling on a grill, honey oozing around them and filling the air with an almost sickly sweet smell.

I join the queue, waiting for my turn and keeping an eye on the spot where I parted with Hannu to see if he's back.

"What can I get for you?" the stall holder says as I reach the front.

"Two, please," I respond.

"Do you want any toppings?"

"No, thanks."

He nods and grabs one of the branding irons heating on the grill. He holds it over one of the sun cakes on the grill and presses down, causing the cakes to sizzle and caramelise to reveal an etching of the sun. He pulls the brand away and presses it down on the top of the second one, repeating the motion. Once he's done, he ladles some honey over the top. It bubbles as it hits the grill and my mouth starts to water. It's a good job they're going to be too hot to eat, or I wouldn't be able to wait until I had my spiced wine.


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