Death on the Thames (London Cosy Mysteries Book 4) by Rachel McLean & Millie Ravensworth

Death on the Thames (London Cosy Mysteries Book 4) by Rachel McLean & Millie Ravensworth

Author:Rachel McLean & Millie Ravensworth [McLean, Rachel & Ravensworth, Millie]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Ackroyd Publishing
Published: 2024-02-15T00:00:00+00:00


Diana considered herself knowledgeable about London, but that didn’t mean she’d been down every street. Kensington Police Station, housed in a sturdy but unremarkable red-brick building on Earls Court Road, was new to her.

She introduced herself to the officer on the reception desk and a few minutes later a sergeant came through to meet her. The slim Asian woman shook Diana’s hand.

“I’m Sergeant Sarah Khan. Very glad you could come in. We have a man in our cells we’re keen to get rid of and I hope you can put everything in order.”

Diana was surprised. “In the cells? I thought he was dead.”

“Dead? We picked him up, very much alive.”

“Vernon Monroth?”

The sergeant gave her a quizzical look. “A Mr Newton Crombie.”

“Sorry? Newton is in the cells?”

The sergeant looked puzzled. “Is there a dead person we should be aware of?”

“You’re aware of him, I mean the police are. I’m not sure if any of you believe me though.”

The sergeant raised an eyebrow. “Fascinating. Let’s get you signed in.”

Sergeant Khan gave Diana a visitor badge and led her to an interview room. As they reached the door, a large figure approached.

“Ah. I thought I had missed you.”

Diana knew Detective Chief Inspector Clint Sugarbrook. She’d spent a few days in his company when he’d interviewed all of her tour party over the unexplained death of a man on top of an open deck bus. Diana had provided him with as much assistance as possible but still felt he saw her as an interfering busybody.

“Detective Chief Inspector,” said Diana. “Were you the one who arrested Newton?”

He frowned. “Nothing to do with me. I just heard that my… acquaintance Diana Bakewell was in the building so I asked Sergeant Khan here if I could sit in.”

The interview room was small and Clint Sugarbrook, the son of a professional boxer, was a very large man. It was a squeeze.

“Is Newton alright?” asked Diana as she sat down.

Sergeant Khan took out her notebook. “I’m hoping this is all a misunderstanding. We arrested Mr Crombie late last night in Harrods.”

Diana stared. “Harrods? The high-end department store?”

“On a charge of shoplifting.”

Diana ran through the events of the last few days in her mind.

“It wasn’t shoes, was it?” she asked.

Sergeant Khan nodded slowly. “So, you know about his habit?”

“It’s not a habit. He doesn’t normally go to Harrods. You’ve seen how he dresses.”

An uncharitable person might have described Newton as a man who looked like he’d been dressed by his mum. Or possibly, as a man dressed as a post-war office clerk. He wore neat shirts and dull jumpers. The most exciting thing he owned was a knitted tank top.

“Where does he normally go?” asked Sergeant Khan. “For shoes?”

Diana frowned. “He was carrying a bag of shoes, I’m guessing. And he was arrested because, ah, because, er, a man walking round with a carrier bag of single women’s shoes would look like he had a, er, thing for shoes.”

“There are many varied and interesting people in this world,” said Sergeant Khan.


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