Civil War Era
epub |eng | | Author:Dudley Gold, Susan;

Slave catchers capture a runaway slave under fugitive slave laws in effect at the time. The provision remained as part of the Constitution until the passage of Thirteenth Amendment barred ...
( Category: Civil War Era August 22,2023 )
epub |eng | 2016-08-15 | Author:Kantor, MacKinlay;

• CHAPTER SEVEN • THE GENERAL SAYS COME IN One of Ord’s soldiers wrote that the army should have gone wild with joy, then and there; and, he said, somehow ...
( Category: Civil War Era August 18,2023 )
epub |eng | | Author:Pferdehirt, Julia;

Burlington Dr. Edward Galusha Dyer was a “double abolitionist.” That is, he not only hid runaways in his home, but he was also a leader in the work against slavery. ...
( Category: Civil War Era August 14,2023 )
epub |eng | 2017-06-15 | Author:Emma Carlson-Berne [Berne, Emma Carlson]

Douglass posed for a photo with his grandson Joseph, who became a famed concert violinist. Before the end of slavery, Douglass presents himself in direct, aggressive poses. His fists are ...
( Category: Civil War Era January 28,2023 )
epub |eng | 1999-01-15 | Author:Janis Herbert

Who Rode Whom? Robert E. Lee’s horse was Traveller. William Tecumseh Sherman rode Sam. George McClellan rode Dan Webster. Ulysses S. Grant loved all horses, especially Cincinnati. Stonewall Jackson went ...
( Category: Civil War Era January 28,2023 )
pdf | | 2011-03-12 | Author:Dan Abnett

( Category: Civil War Era December 3,2022 )
epub |eng | 2018-01-16 | Author:Eric Braun [Braun, Eric]

THE END To follow another path, press here. To read the conclusion, press here. “Sir, let us join Jackson,” you say. “We can win this battle.” The captain yells in ...
( Category: Civil War Era September 30,2022 )
epub |eng | 2018-01-16 | Author:Matt Doeden [Doeden, Matt]

To dive into the water and abandon your ship, press here. To try to escape with your cargo, press here. Your instincts scream at you to turn around. You learned ...
( Category: Civil War Era September 30,2022 )
epub |eng | 2019-06-28 | Author:Kay Melchisedech Olson [Olson, Kay Melchisedech]

Piles of Waste Picture yourself living in a camp with hundreds of men and piles of waste all around. Pretty stinky, huh? During the Civil War, human and animal waste ...
( Category: Civil War Era September 29,2022 )
epub |eng | 2013-09-15 | Author:Britannica Educational Publishing

Confederate Lt. Gen. Jubal A. Early. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Northern pride was wounded by Early’s threat, and General Ulysses S. Grant dispatched General Philip Sheridan to ...
( Category: Civil War Era September 28,2022 )
epub |eng | 2018-03-30 | Author:Kathleen Krull

The Declaration was approved in Congress on July 4, 1776. WISE WORDS “In this city, our founders put forth a Declaration of Independence, but also made a historic declaration of ...
( Category: Civil War Era September 28,2022 )
epub |eng | | Author:James L. Swanson

Lincoln’s funeral car. Chapter Ten But this transformation had not yet taken place as the train approached Baltimore. The whole state of Maryland, and Baltimore in particular, were known for ...
( Category: Civil War Era June 13,2015 )
mobi |eng | 2010-12-28 | Author:James L. Swanson

Lincoln’s funeral car. Chapter Ten But this transformation had not yet taken place as the train approached Baltimore. The whole state of Maryland, and Baltimore in particular, were known for ...
( Category: Civil War Era June 11,2015 )
epub |eng | 2012-12-31 | Author:Iain C. Martin

HOOD AND MCLAWS ATTACK THE WHEAT FIELD At the center of the Third Corps’ line was a twenty-acre wheat field owned by famer John Rose. Colonel Régis de Trobriand commanded ...
( Category: Civil War Era August 20,2014 )