04 Death Awaits in Durham by Helen Cox

04 Death Awaits in Durham by Helen Cox

Author:Helen Cox
Language: eng
Format: azw3
ISBN: 9781529410341
Publisher: Hachette Australia
Published: 2021-01-27T00:00:00+00:00


Grace barely had time to switch off the light and pull the closet doors closed before hearing Selina’s bedroom door creak open. There was a shuffling sound as she and Patrick walked in.

Slowly, so as not to make even the smallest noise, Grace lay down on the soft, beige carpet and peered through the small gap under the door. She could just make out Patrick’s pristine pair of Nike Air Force 1s and Selina’s bare feet with the toenails painted midnight blue. They were positioned in such a way that it was clear they were sitting on the bed together.

You see, Grace, this is your karma for kissing a bloke when you’re supposed to be solving the case of his missing fiancée – now you have to sit and listen to a millionaire’s daughter hit on your not-so-secret crush. And when you go to hell for your sins, you’ll no doubt relive this moment on a loop.

‘So what did you want to talk to me about?’ Patrick said, loud enough, she thought, that he might have guessed where she was hiding and he wanted her to be able to hear the conversation.

‘Sorry to drag you away from the party, and to bring up sad topics, but actually I wanted to talk to you about Jodie and say, you know, how sorry I was about what happened to her.’

Grace heard a little crack in Selina’s voice that suggested she might be on the brink of tears. Was that genuine sympathy or was it guilt?

‘Thanks,’ said Patrick, ‘it is a terrible thing.’

‘It is, and I’m sorry I didn’t get in touch with you after it happened.’

‘I don’t blame you. You weren’t the only one who didn’t know what to say.’

‘I wanted to reach out. But it was complicated. When Jodie disappeared we weren’t on good terms.’

‘Yeah, I know,’ Patrick said. ‘She mentioned at the time you’d had a falling-out. If it makes you feel any better, me and Jodie had a bit of a spat on the morning she disappeared, too, so I know how it feels to not be able to get closure.’

‘I’m sorry. It’s the worst feeling. Did Jodie . . . Did she say what our falling-out was about?’


‘Well, that was good of her. If she’d told anyone at the time, I would have been screwed.’

‘Screwed in what way?’

‘Every way but the good way.’

There was a pause where Grace imagined Patrick was frowning just as hard as she was, trying to figure out what was going on here.

‘Did you have something to do with the drugs Berkeley said she found in her locker? Is that what it was about?’

‘No, I— Well, if I tell you, you have to promise you won’t say a thing to anyone until I say it’s OK to talk about it.’

‘As long as it’s not illegal I’ll agree to that.’

‘Illegal? Wow, you do have a low opinion of me.’

‘It’s not that,’ said Patrick. ‘Venerable Bede’s is pretty strict for us non-millionaires and I don’t want to get myself into something I can’t get out of.


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