Work at a Pizza Place by Nooby Lee

Work at a Pizza Place by Nooby Lee

Author:Nooby Lee
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: roblox game, roblox book, roblox, children books, books for kids, farting book for kids, diary for kids, funny books for kids, jokes books for kids, kids diaries, action and adventure, minecraft, video game
Publisher: Book for Kids
Published: 2018-08-07T00:00:00+00:00


My second day working as Pizza Delivery passed by without anything significant happening. I guess after experiencing such a peculiar first customer, it would really take something to shake me up again. I wondered when would that be...

I wanted to smack myself for wishing it to happen.

My 'delightful' experience happened on the fourth day, while I was working at the night shift.

There wasn't as much pizza orders that night, so I rode slowly on my scooter as I enjoyed the cooling night breeze. It was a full moon that night, and between its peeks among the cloudy night sky, the bright moon illuminated the entire town.

It was a beautiful night. At the same time, it crept me out.

There was one order for 5 pizzas to be delivered to this house on row C. Since I was the only one left at that time, I took up the order for delivery. Luckily the hotbox of the scooter was able to fit 5 pizzas maximum. One more order and I would have to balance it on my head.

So I rode my scooter up to the curb of the house. I emptied the hotbox. With 5 boxes of pizzas on my hands, I used my head to press on the doorbell.

"Come in!" the customer called.

"Err....Sorry, but I can't! It's against company policy!" I called back.

"I'm a little tied up at the moment! Just come in and put the pizza on the table! The door's unlocked!" called out the customer.

I really didn't want to hold on to the pizzas any longer, so I decided to just go in, drop the pizzas and leave. Cautiously, I used my leg to push at the door.

True enough, it wasn't locked. I saw the said table right in front of the door and a check on it.

"I'm going to leave the pizzas here!" I shouted to the customer, who I assumed was at the kitchen as I walked in and put down the pizzas.


The door slammed shut behind me. The lights went out.

"He...helloooo...?" I called out, stammering in fear...


It was so quiet that even my fart was silent. I dared not move a single muscle and stood rooted to the spot, hoping that the lights would come back.

Just as sudden as the lights went out, the light came back.

In front of me across the table stood a Roblox with long golden hair, holding a chopper knife in her right hand.

I froze in fear.

Suddenly, I felt an arm touching my shoulder.


I shouted and farted at the same time. I turned around to be greeted by a teal colored Roblox with an 8-pin headphones and a miniature version of himself perched on his shoulders. "Howdy, kid."

"AAAARRRGHH!!!" I shouted again.


"WHOA! Jane, grab the pizza, quick! There's fart!" The teal colored Roblox shouted.

Jane dropped the knife, which landed with a soft thud on the floor. She took the pizza away from the green gas emanating from me and took them to the kitchen.

"It's just a prank, dude! Don't worry! Haha!" said the Roblox.


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