Touched by an Angel Fiction Series by Martha Williamson

Touched by an Angel Fiction Series by Martha Williamson

Author:Martha Williamson
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: book
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Published: 2010-05-03T00:00:00+00:00



Perfect Memories

Rebecca meant to be at the gym on time. But had somehow, she’d felt drawn to the house that used to be home. She stood in the tall grass of the small yard. Remembering . . .

It seemed so long ago. She had been five and so determined to learn that handspring. She’d tried and tried. Then finally, she’d done one that was just a little wobbly. As she stood here now, her memory replayed her daddy’s encouraging words. “Almost, honey . . . almost.”

But Rebecca had never been satisfied with almost. “I want to do it perfectly!” she had told her dad.

Her father, Peter Browner, had smiled. “Nobody’s perfect, baby.”

But Rebecca knew that wasn’t true. “Nadia Comaneci is perfect,” she’d told him.

And that’s when Daddy had gotten very serious. “Don’t you worry about being anybody but you! That’s who I love.” Then he kissed her on the tip of her nose. “That’s who

I’m always gonna love. Promise me you’ll remember that, Becky.”

“I promise, Daddy,” she’d said, darting away to try another flip.

But had she remembered? Had she? Her eyes filled with tears. She brushed them away impatiently. What did it matter? That little girl was gone. And so was her daddy.

Suddenly Rebecca remembered something else. She looked at her watch. Oh, no! It was half past two o’clock! She turned and ran down the street.

By the time Rebecca rushed into the gym, practice was finished. The television crew was leaving, and almost everyone else was gone. Everyone except Monica and Rebecca’s mother, who was on the telephone again.

When she saw her daughter, Mrs. Browner slammed down the phone.

“Rebecca, where have you been?”

Rebecca had never seen her mother so angry. “I . . . I went for a walk.”

“A walk!” Mrs. Browner shouted. “You were supposed to be here!”

“I’m sorry, Mom.”

Mrs. Browner’s face was very red. “You’re sorry! I had sponsors ready to hand you a contract. But you took a walk instead!”

Rebecca felt awful. “I’m . . . I’m sorry, Mom. Maybe you could call them or something—”

Mrs. Browner didn’t even wait for her daughter to finish. “It’s too late . . . too late.” Her eyes filled with tears, and she grabbed her purse. “I’ll see you at the motel. Right now I have to track down your brother.”

Rebecca stood very still for a long time. She was sorry, and sad, and—for once—had no idea what to do next. Finally she just sat down.

“Are you okay?” asked Monica, coming over to sit beside her. Rebecca gave a nod.

“Actually,” Monica went on in a soothing voice, “I think you should take more walks.

Maybe with some friends like Kristy and Nicole. It would do you all good to get out in the fresh air.”

Rebecca wasn’t really listening. “I went home.”

“Home?” repeated Monica.

Rebecca nodded again. “We used to live just a few miles from here, before my dad died. He had cancer.”

Monica put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

“I’m so sorry, Rebecca.”

“Mom made us move out practically the next day. I mean .


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