Through the Psalms With Derek Prince by Derek Prince
Author:Derek Prince
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub
Tags: Religion, Devotional
ISBN: 9780800793050
Publisher: Chosen Books
Published: 2002-09-30T22:00:00+00:00
In the great city of Glasgow in Scotland, there is a main intersection known as "the Cross." One day a tall British "bobby" on his beat found a small boy sitting in tears on the curb. "I'm lost," he told the policeman. "I can't find my way home."
"I'll have to take you to the station," the policeman said, and began to lead the boy by the hand. When they reached "the Cross," the boy looked around for a moment, then exclaimed, "I know the way from here!" Letting go of the policeman's hand, he ran off confidently toward his home.
So it is with the human soul that comes to the Cross. From there it can find the way home.
Faith's Response
Lord, like Your servant of old, I, too, ant homesick. Help me to find that place near Your altar.
Through the Psalms With Derek Prince by Derek
Through the Psalms With Derek Prince by Derek Prince.epub
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