The Tao Made Easy: Timeless Wisdom to Navigate a Changing World by Cohen Alan

The Tao Made Easy: Timeless Wisdom to Navigate a Changing World by Cohen Alan

Author:Cohen, Alan [Cohen, Alan]
Language: eng
Format: azw3
Publisher: Hay House Inc.
Published: 2018-07-09T16:00:00+00:00

Surrender yourself humbly; then you can be trusted to care for all things.

Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things.

— 13

9. Presence makes the crucial difference in human interactions. In a world in which many people have given their presence and power away to busyness and technology, fully being with another person is more important than ever.

In my Life Coach Training Program, “The Power of Presence” is one of the first lessons students receive. When a coach is genuinely present with a client; or teacher with student; parent with child; doctor with patient; manager with employee; or salesperson with customer, you establish the platform for success. If someone is in pain or has a pressing need, they want you to help them bridge a gap. Being fully with that person is the first step to filling that gap. These days people do not simply crave presence. They are starving for it. To be present with another human being is to feed their soul—and yours.

One of my coach graduates has held a longtime position as the complaint department at a public power company. Whenever a customer has a problem, Linda is the first one to hear about it. When she entered coach training, Linda was about to quit her job, burned out from 10 years of trying to satisfy disgruntled customers. In the training, Linda learned the skills of reflective listening, giving the customer her full attention, demonstrating that she has heard their communication, and empathizing with their feelings. Linda reframed her job as an opportunity to show up with her clients and support them energetically as well as logistically. After a few months of implementing these new skills, she told me, “I love my job now! I have no desire to leave. I so enjoy connecting with our customers and developing relationships with them. When I give them my full presence, I receive as much as they do.” A corporate customer relations motto captures the ideal scenario: “The customer is not an interruption of our work—he is the purpose of it.”

If I were to ask you, “Which teachers or mentors have had the greatest impact on your life, and why?” you would probably not cite those who taught you the most facts. You would more likely remember the teachers who gave you their undivided attention, looked you in the eye, cared for you as a person, saw goodness or greatness in you, and inspired you to be all you could be. I remember some of what I learned in high school and a little more of what I learned in college. Mostly I remember the teachers who believed in me and connected with me not just as a student but as a friend; who saw me not just as the object of their job, but as a person with potential they could draw forth.

Each day you and I have a thousand opportunities to be present or not. Stepping away from your computer when


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