The Giant Killer by Yuzuk David A

The Giant Killer by Yuzuk David A

Author:Yuzuk, David A.
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Mission Point Press
Published: 2020-04-06T00:00:00+00:00

Coffee Shop Patio — Malibu

“Why would the CIA recruit Richard?” I asked Sosa.

“Let me first ask you this, Neil. Do you or your son know what Richard was doing with the 46th Company in Thailand?”

“We were told his assignment was to train the Royal Thai border police.”

“And you and your son believed that? Do you really think the United States Army would waste highly trained Green Berets to teach security work to a bunch of Thai flunkies? Fuck no! The 46th Special Forces Company was created as a launching point for Green Beret teams to secretly insert into North Vietnam.

“Rick was there working with Army Intelligence, known as MACV-SOG, and behind them all was the good ole’ CIA. The training bullshit was just their cover because they were also crossing the border into Cambodia and Laos. Part of the time he would work with the Haamongs. Am I saying that right?”

“I think the ‘H’ is silent, but go ahead.”

“Well, Rick claimed them Hmongs were about the best fighters he ever worked with, and coming from Rick that’s high praise. You know? They were especially effective at going into enemy territory and working as target spotters for American bombs. They were fearless, and they’d go on missions with Rick deep into Northern Laos — and I mean the real dirty missions nobody wanted to do. Great mountain men. Rick helped get one of those Hmongs out of country after the war, and they were good friends.

“It broke Rick’s heart to see all those men who were recruited by The Agency to fight on our behalf abandoned in Laos after the commies took over. Many of them fled to Thailand to escape prosecution, but a lot of them were executed. Man, when you think about how many times in Rick’s life he saw the American government abandon its own soldiers and allies you can understand why he eventually went a little crazy. And what about all those lies? You remember at that time our government was telling us that we would never go into Cambodia and blah blah blah.

“Rick’s team also worked under Operation Strata — which I believe stood for Short-Term Road-Watch and Target Acquisition — on what was known as snatch and grab missions. Their targets were mostly comprised of North Vietnamese officers. And if Rick’s team couldn’t capture them then they were ordered to terminate them with extreme prejudice. So, you see going all the way back to 1969 the CIA was already fully aware of Rick and his capabilities. I’m sure you’re familiar with the Iran-Contra scandal.”


“Well, back when Rick got involved they weren’t even called Contras — they were calling themselves anti-Sandinistas. Communism was just starting to take hold in Latin America and it was the CIA’s job to stop that disease from spreading. The Agency’s first goal was to help the anti-Sandinistas find an independent funding network that was completely untraceable. They also needed a form of currency that was accepted worldwide. The only currency the


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