The Everything Answer Book by Amit Goswami

The Everything Answer Book by Amit Goswami

Author:Amit Goswami
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781612833743
Publisher: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.

Manifesting Choice

Then my journalist friend came back with a wonderful question: “What are your thoughts on the manifestation of intent into physical reality? The average person doesn't believe that intent is powerful. They want to know why they can't manifest whatever they want—like a Rolls-Royce, for instance.”

Of course, this is one of my favorite topics. Movies like The Secret make a fortune selling simplistic notions about manifesting choice in the physical world, although the quantum world-view does indeed suggest a science of manifestation if taken to its logical conclusion. “In fact, in the 1970s,” I told her, “there was an organization that taught people how to manifest Rolls-Royces. If they failed in that, they promptly began teaching them how to manifest parking spaces in busy downtown areas.”

My friend laughed, and I continued more seriously. “It all comes down to the old problem of the ego—the narrowness of consciousness that keeps us from manifesting our intention. We identify the ego's limitation as a limitation of intention. Intention has the potency of God consciousness, but we have to intend in the right frame of consciousness. If we work within the narrowness of the ego, our intention is not going to have any effect on the cosmic consciousness where such manifestations are open as a possibility. If we intend from heart consciousness, however, we become somewhat more expanded and our chances of success increase.”

I continued by explaining that if we can occasionally access mystical states of consciousness, as Jesus and Buddha did, and become really synchronous with cosmic consciousness, then our chances of manifestation become even better. It depends on how cohesive in consciousness we want to be and how much expansion we can attain. In expanded states of consciousness, we only intend good for everyone. We don't work for individual gratification of the material kind. Our selfishness goes away. But this frightens some people who only want their selfish goodies and the satisfaction of the senses. So, as a collective, we have some growing up to do. We are still children in terms of maturity of consciousness.

We really must learn the subtleties and the enormity of the potentiality that exists within us. Collectively, we have not even begun to expand into mental creativity, into the discovery of new meanings. Great artists, great scientists, and great philosophers may do it. But the rest of us are quite satisfied with experiencing a very narrow range of mental meanings. So we toy with the idea of manifesting something that did not exist in the material domain before—like a Rolls-Royce. But that's a huge order. It goes completely against the grain of materialist physics, because it involves creating new matter out of nothing. What we need to explore is a much simpler kind of creativity—the creativity of mental meaning. Our ancestors knew this. So when they prayed to God for something material, they knew God's grace would manifest through the benevolence of another human being.

We have a long way to go, I told her. But that does not mean we are stymied.


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