The BE Book by Mynoo Maryel

The BE Book by Mynoo Maryel

Author:Mynoo Maryel
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781784520854
Publisher: Panoma Press Ltd



The Date with God

We were all gathered in the church for what we called The White Wedding. My niece and her husband were looking beautiful and in love. It was a Syrian church, the choir singers were melodious and making all our hearts melt with the sweetness in their voices and the flow of the words. I was dressed in a yellow embroidered kaftan, the bride’s mother and her sisters were dressed in yellow or gold accompanying the bride in white, with her bridesmaids in peach. It was a lovely, elegant blend of colors, with the flowers and decor to go with it.

I was sitting in the front row feeling beautiful, energized and vibrant when the priest stepped up to the podium. The music stopped and he began to speak his wise words and blessings for the couple, as they prepared to take their vows. I was feeling a huge sensation of love in my heart and it started to spread across my being. I was compelled to close my eyes and then I felt it.

My cells started to tingle with delight and I had a beautiful feeling of sunrise in every cell as it calibrated to perfect vibration. I was lighting up from the inside. I knew and felt: It is the energy of God. I had experienced it once before, and I knew from that previous experience that it uplifted my presence so powerfully that it could even disrupt the ceremony in progress. The priest had already become distracted, and had repeated his last two sentences three times; I knew he did not intend to do so again. So I stepped out of the church and allowed the message from God to be received in grace.

I started writing on my iPhone and with every sentence I stepped further and further away from the pretentiousness of what we call “love.” I was dropping into the depths of my soul being love. The message I was receiving was for the couple and for each one of us. I knew then that a new commandment from which to live my life was being revealed to me. This message from God was a step in that direction.

Here is the message:

Word of God

Go easy, be light, let go of the seriousness you have given to my intentions. Be playful and innocent, live out the life you have been gifted. It’s meant to be easy. So just chill out. Back up. Enjoy it.

“The source of marriage is love,” says the priest.

“It is not,” says God. “It’s control.”

“It’s dangerous to use the word ‘love’,’” says the priest.

God reminds us:

Love is you; it’s you who is love. God sees you as love. Love is not IN anything, LOVE IS YOU. This is who you are.

Life is about being love in its simplest form; that is what this human form is for. Live it full-out and deep within. Come alive being love.

It’s your choice. Make this choice for you. You are the only one that counts: all else is a distraction.


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