Star Witness by Carolyn Keene

Star Witness by Carolyn Keene

Author:Carolyn Keene
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Aladdin


Alma followed the girls to the door, watching Bill go. “If I explain what’s going on with him,” Alma said, “you have to promise not to tell our boss.”

George’s eyes widened. “How can we promise that? If he took the telescope—”

“He didn’t take the telescope,” Alma interrupted. She walked into the kitchen of the break room, gesturing for the girls to follow her. Once they were there, she stared at the soda machine and finally pushed the top button. A can fell to the bottom with a clanking sound. She picked up the orange soda and opened it, taking a sip.

“If he didn’t take it, does he know who did?” Nancy asked.

Alma glanced over the girls’ shoulders at Louise, who had followed them into the kitchen. Louise was tall and had curly black hair.

“All right,” Alma finally said, as if she was just deciding to tell them Bill’s secret. “I don’t know anything about that missing telescope, and I don’t think Bill does either. But you girls were right—he was hiding something.”

“He switched with someone for his last shift,” Louise said. “We’re not allowed to do that, but he wanted to work outside the café. He was supposed to be working in the Hall of Planets, though.”

“Why did he need to switch?” George asked.

Alma laughed. “Well, you see, Bill has a little crush on Polly, one of the waitresses in the café. She only works on Saturdays, so one of his friends switched with him. He worked in the café and his friend went to the Hall of Planets. And Bill got to make googly eyes at Polly for two hours.” She rolled her eyes.

“Two hours?” Nancy asked. She had pulled out the Clue Book and was writing down everything the guards said. “Which two hours? Are you sure he was there the entire time?”

Alma took another sip of her orange soda. “Hmm . . . must’ve been from four to six p.m. He just got off his shift.”

George leaned over, looking at the Clue Book notes. “We went to the show from four to five,” she told Nancy. “And Dr. Arnot had brought the telescope up to the roof just before that. So it must’ve been stolen in that hour window.”

The other guard pushed through the kitchen to a door on the other side. She waved at the girls to follow her. “If you want to see for yourself, come on.”

Nancy and her friends went into the room with Alma and Louise. There was another guard in there, sitting at a desk covered with computer monitors. Each monitor showed a different part of the museum.


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