Rising Sun by Ava Vixion

Rising Sun by Ava Vixion

Author:Ava Vixion [Vixion, Ava]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Rising Sun
Publisher: Ava Vixion
Published: 2016-01-15T00:00:00+00:00

IT HAD BEEN eight earthly days since Bels’ last rotation, and the inactivity was getting to her. As she sat across an elegantly carved scrollwork mahogany desk from Amitiel, resting her elbows on her knees, she tried to stay focused on the lecture she was receiving. It was nearly impossible to concentrate, when every thought circled back around to Ashe. She had snuck out of the manse and materialized down to his place twice already. Remi had been gentle enough, understanding even, telling her to leave. Roc, on the other hand, gave her nothing but shit for three days straight when he returned from his shift. Today it was Ferrian’s turn to watch over Bels’ charge. At least she stood a snowball’s chance in hell of seeing Ashe this time.

There were only so many hours in the day one could hit the training room, jog around the Angel-Realm, or watch the entire action flick collection, before restlessness set in. She was jonesing to leave. If Amitiel didn’t cut her free soon, she feared a strait-jacket would become her next fashion accessory. With her complexion, it wasn’t bound to be a good look either. Her anxiety intensified to get downtown and do her job with each new update. Night after night, more reports came in; Hellistics were on the prowl, trying to take down Ashe. The only relief she found was in knowing Ashe was unharmed, unaware of what was going after him. The less he knew, the better, in her mind. It didn’t make it any easier for her to sit back, and let everyone else pick up the slack.

“Hey, Bels, are you listening to me?” Amitiel barked, snapping her fingers.

“Yeah, sorry … have a lot on my mind right now. You were saying?”

“I was saying, gear up. You’re on deck tonight.”

Her heart flipped, as she studied Am’s face for any falsity. “Finally! I thought you were going to keep me up here until he turned.”

“The thought had crossed my mind. Listen, do yourself a favor, and keep a safe distance.”

“I’ll try, but I think it’s better if I get to know him, figure out if he has any special capabilities, like Ferrian’s.” Sure, it sounded legit, but would Am buy it?

“Do you suspect he does?” Her cocked brow and skeptical gaze left little to argue with. “Because if he does, it would be good to find out before he transitioned.”

“I’m not sure, to be honest. But I agree with you. I think it’s best if we find out sooner rather than later. So does this mean I’m cleared to leave now?”

Leaning back in the matching chair, Amitiel propped her hands behind her head and blew out a loud sigh. It was a wonder she didn’t collapse herself, given how exhausted she was looking as of late. “Yeah, go on. When Ferrian returns, you should head down.”

“Thanks, Am. Hey, how are you doing by the way? Something going on with you?”

Shaking her head Am did what she does best; denied her emotions.


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