Language: fra
Format: epub
Published: 2021-10-24T22:10:29+00:00
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Jesus than any of the other disciples with the exception of John.
Consequently he witnessed most of Jesus' miracles.
'What was Judas' ambition? To enthrone Jesus as King of Israel and stand beside Him. Judas had money and ordered a golden crown. Who do you think set up the refrain, "Blessed be the Kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord"? Who do you think urged the masses to give Jesus that tumultuous reception into Jerusalem? Judas the Iscariot.
When Jesus was in the middle of a group of Pharisees, one of them challenged Him to state whether he was the Son of God.
Jesus responded, "You said it." Judas was there with two other disciples and witnessed what followed. The Pharisees accused Jesus of blasphemy and took rocks and began throwing them at the Master. But just before the first stone reached Jesus He disappeared from their midst and the stones fell in an empty space right at the spot where Jesus had been standing.
'Judas witnessed this phenomenon and he began thinking of a plan on how to crown Jesus King of Israel. He once gathered the disciples and the crowds together and raised the crown he had brought with him in order to place it on the head of the Beloved One. At that very moment Jesus disappeared again, and the royal crown remained in the hands of Judas the Iscariot. It was the second time that Jesus disappeared in that manner. Judas then thought, "I will force you to accept. When they begin to abuse and curse you, you will change your mind.
When they attack you, what else can you do? You will be forced to raise your hand and show your Glory, your Power.
You will be tired of the affectations of the sinful and the beastly, and you shall become the King."
'So the aim of Judas the Iscariot was not to betray Christ but to force Him to become leader of the Jews in order to expel the Romans. And yet Jesus explained Himself clearly. "My kingdom, Judas, is not of this world. Understand this." That is what Judas did not want to understand, that Christ was not interested in worldly power.
'Judas was not a traitor, he was an imprudent beloved. Jesus washed and kissed Judas' feet just as he washed and kissed the feet of the other disciples. Then he told Judas to go and do what he was supposed to do. Christ loved Judas. But Judas could not understand Jesus' teachings. In fact only very few of
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His disciples understood Him, specifically John, Philip and James. Philip understood Jesus because he had been previously involved with the Greek mysteries at Delphi. The others understood Jesus only after the descent of the Holy Spirit.
'Jesus expected His Crucifixion and prophesied his Resurrection in front of Judas by saying, "I can destroy the temple and in three days I shall rebuild it." What did He mean by this? He was speaking in parables.
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