Earthlings. The Beginning by Ray Star

Earthlings. The Beginning by Ray Star

Author:Ray Star [Star, Ray]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Chronos Publishing
Published: 2021-08-11T23:00:00+00:00


I can’t believe it, after so many years desperate to find this place, now I can’t get away from it. They herd us together in the largest of the barns. The children huddle with their mothers for warmth while Louise and two other women hang back. We’ve seen no sign of the cows or foxes but, four large dogs stand guard by the door in silence, making sure none try to escape. I try to see through the gap to get a glimpse of Phoenix but, so far, I’m yet to see him.

“What do they want with us?” Asks one of the two females anxiously. She’s tall, with short, ash blonde hair, fair skin and appears younger than the other mothers, perhaps not much older than me.

“They want us to side with them Marie,” replies Louise grimly.

“They must be desperate if they’re recruiting mothers and children now?” Gasps the other female, she appears to be around Louise’s age, her deep brown skin a mass of scars, clearly visible, even in the dull light of the barn.

“That’s exactly the case Dorothy,” Louise watches the dogs warily, worry lines creasing across her forehead.

“I don’t understand,” I input, “who are they?”

“They’re a branch of The Resistance, which branch I’m unsure. Rumour has it that they’re creating an army to fight back.”

“But that’s good, isn’t it?” I press.

“Depends on what they’re fighting for. And whether we have any choice in the matter. Being a slave for milk is bad enough, a slave to fight could be worse, I fear. The children are too young to be involved in any of this. We need to break free as soon as we can.”

“What if we want to fight?!” Exclaims Jack, who unbeknown to us, had been ear wigging from the back of the group.

“You’re too young to fight, you’ll get eaten alive out there. Don’t you want to taste freedom?”

“What’s the point in being free? We’ll only be captured and taken to a slaughterhouse. At least with the dogs we have protection. And food. They said they were going to feed us.”

It’s then that I notice his scars. He’s covered in lacerations from head to toe. My magick healed his pain but not his markings, I hate to think how he got them.

“I thought you didn’t trust dogs?” I can’t help but ask.

“I don’t,” he shrugs, “but if they plan on fighting back at the farm animals then I want in. I don’t stand a chance in the wild, none of us do.”

“Keep your voice down Jack!” Louise chides.

“But it’s true! We’re just kids and a bunch of broken mothers, there’s no men amongst us. No weapons. We don’t stand a chance!”

“We are not broken! We don’t need men and weapons to survive out there, we have our wits. One day you will grow into a man yourself, do you not want a chance to be free of all this?”

“You just want more help getting your son back, you don’t care about me. No-one does.”

Before Louise


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