Dark Morning: An International Terror Thriller by William H. Lovejoy

Dark Morning: An International Terror Thriller by William H. Lovejoy

Author:William H. Lovejoy [Lovejoy, William H.]
Language: eng
Format: azw3
Publisher: Endeavour Media
Published: 2018-06-15T00:00:00+00:00

GREGORY SIMPSON MASTERS, JR. flew United to Washington, the Concorde to Paris, and El Al to Tel Aviv. He was not a frequent international flier, and by the time he disembarked, he was jet-lagged beyond belief. The exhaustion, coupled with his mood, created an attitude quite unlike his normal demeanor.

The past ten days had been utter hell. He'd been locked out of his apartment; he'd been humiliated by his brokers and bankers calling, wondering why his accounts were frozen; he'd been unable to concentrate on the problems of his clients; and he'd been forced to cancel three meetings with his political backers. If they caught wind of his troubles, they'd be bailing out as soon as they could get him to admit to them. His father was already suspicious. Gregory Senior had heard something, somewhere, and Masters had been unable to tell him that Melanie had filed for divorce.

He'd told his father that they were having a little spat. His father told him to un-spat her, and do it damned fast. Otherwise, he could kiss the senate goodbye.

It was totally unbelievable. That fucking ex-general had tied up everything except his Lincoln Continental and the cash in his pocket and his office. Just bang!, overnight. He didn't know who had sicced MacDonald on him. Certainly, Melanie had never met the man. But she had just as certainly agreed to everything MacDonald suggested because she would never have dreamed it up on her own. Her signature was on the papers filed with the court; Masters had checked to make sure.

And then, for her to refuse to talk to him on the phone! Utterly un-fucking-believable! She was under someone's thumb, and Masters was damned well going to straighten her out.

He knew though, that he would have to subdue his rage--at both MacDonald and her--and sweet talk her out of this. Nothing was unrecoverable, after all, but it really pissed him that he'd had to cancel a whole series of meeting with important clients to make this foray to Israel.

He left the terminal and signaled for two cabs. He sent his luggage to the Hilton in one and took the second to the American Embassy on Hayarkon Street. It was after five by the time he reached it, and in his fatigue, he was snappish with the receptionist. She finally located some trade attache who was still in the building.

"Yes, Mr. Masters, how can I assist you?"

"I want you to find my wife."


"She's an American, a doctor, heading up a World Health medical team somewhere in the West Bank. I need to know where she is so I can visit her."

"Ah, yes! The Palestine Medical Assistance Team. Yes, of course." He picked up a telephone and tapped a four digit code. "While I'm calling, could I see some identification, sir?"

"What the hell for?"

"Anyone could ask for Doctor Masters. She's an important person to us, and to the World Health Organization."

Melanie important? Irritated, Masters dug out his passport and his driver's license. The flunky looked them over, then handed them back.


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