Cosmic Astrology by Mantak Chia william u. wei

Cosmic Astrology by Mantak Chia william u. wei

Author:Mantak Chia, william u. wei
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2018-11-10T16:00:00+00:00

Sagittarius (Rat) Month Combined with Rooster Year

“Witness” Jupiter, Fire, Mutable “Conqueror” Yang-Negative Metal

Characteristics: Humor, Contradiction, Chic, Dissipation, Bossiness, Conservatism, Cockiness, Pedantry, Blind Faith, Bad Manners, Valor, Reason, Carelessness, Enthusiasm, Openhandedness, Honor, Candor, Recklessness, Solicitude, Boastfulness, Outspokenness, Cheerfulness, Vacillation, Resilience

This combination is impressive just walking down the street or entering a room. People notice them. They are jet-setting wanderers who have been nearly everywhere on Earth, and they are walking and talking Wikipedia entries on geography. All this might lead one to believe that this combination is rash or even irresponsible. Actually, quite the opposite is the case. The Sagittarius-Rooster is a frank, honest and extremely realistic individual. They are vagabonds, albeit nervous ones. Both the Sagittarius and the Rooster side of this combination are loaded with energy but also edginess. They are enthusiastic and flamboyant. The hidden inner workings of this individual show a person who is cautious, careful, sensible, and organized. In addition, they are kind and want to help others. There is a good chance that they will volunteer or travel widely to assist the poor, the sick, and the homeless. Whatever it might be, they put their energy to good use in humanitarian causes. Verbally they are straight shooters who speak their minds. They are the proverbial “what you see is what you get” type of individual. They might lean a bit toward the do-gooder side of the scale and do not mind imagining a world that is just, fair, and kind. There is absolutely nothing fake about the Sagittarius-Rooster, and they abhor anything that is a phony. One of their primary missions in life, and it is a mission, is to assist those in need.

Romance: A bit of caution is in order in the realms of passion and jealousy for this combination. The Sagittarius-Rooster is the type who sometimes falls for people that are projects, someone with problems and in need of help. This too is not always the best course of action. The Sagittarius-Rooster generally has some difficulty in their love life because of the nature of their character. For starters they can be quite pushy with their partners. On the other hand they generally find that approach not particularly useful, so they go to the other extreme and get pushed around. Neither approach is fruitful. In addition, they are so frank that they talk about things in a relationship that are best left unspoken. It is not wise to tell one’s partner every single thought and be totally open and honest. Flattery sometimes is in order, even if it is a bit of an untruth. Telling one’s significant other that a new workmate is attractive is not wise either.

Relationships: Poor choices for compatibility are Virgo- and Gemini-Roosters. Additional negative selections are Pisces-Dogs and Virgo- and Pisces-Rabbits. Superb romantic and love selections are Aries-, Leo-, Libra-, and Aquarius-Snakes. Additionally Leo-, Libra-, and Aquarius-Buffalos are quite good as well. Romance is nearly ideal with Leo- and Libra-Dragons.

Family Life: The Sagittarius-Rooster is a borderline neat freak. Order and cleanliness are next to Godliness.


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