Blood Bonds: A paranormal vampire romance (Forbidden Book 1) by Maia Graves

Blood Bonds: A paranormal vampire romance (Forbidden Book 1) by Maia Graves

Author:Maia Graves [Graves, Maia]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2021-09-26T22:00:00+00:00

Chapter 24

‘There’s a girl gone missing in the village,’ Alyssa said and Blake looked up, shocked. What? Who? Not Sophia surely. He knew that he’d already revealed too much with his reaction, so he played it cool but Alyssa had seen that split second reaction on his face.

‘You think he’s back?’ Alyssa asked, looking at him nervously. Blake put down the book he’d been reading.

‘Why do you think that?’ he asked her.

‘That’s his pattern, isn’t it? Girls go missing.’ Alyssa sat down on the sofa and chewed the tip of her pinkie fingernail. ‘And then the bodies start piling up.’

‘You said a girl was missing. Not girls,’ Blake reiterated. He hated seeing Alyssa so torn and anxious. But he was also worried about the girl who had gone missing. It couldn’t have been Sophia. He’d left her cottage after midnight and she’d been fast asleep.

‘Yeah, some florist apparently,’ Alyssa said. ‘It’s all they could talk about in the shops.’

Relieved, Blake looked at Alyssa intently. ‘Listen, even if he’s back, we’ll handle him.’

‘But why Blake? Why the fuck can’t he leave us alone!’ she sounded impassioned and angry and he knew she was entitled to it.

His twin brother Jason was a murderous son of a bitch and the reason why Alyssa and he were in this mess in the first place. Blake took a deep breath and let it go. He had to focus. He’d hoped Ben’s disappearance was a one-off and not connected to Jason but he hadn’t had the time to make enquiries like he’d needed to. He’d been too wrapped up in Sophia.

Something about that entire experience hurt him a little even though he’d been trying to ignore it from the morning. Hurting her had hurt him and he couldn’t understand it. He knew she would have woken up and assumed the worst about him, that he’d been there just for sex. But more importantly, if Jason was here, then he needed to protect her.

‘Ben is also missing,’ he admitted finally. Alyssa looked up in surprise.

‘Ben who?’

‘The guy who was chatting you up in the pub the other day,’ he reminded her.

Alyssa fell silent. ‘He goes for girls, right? Has he started changing tactics now?’

‘We don’t know if Ben’s disappearance has to do anything with him. But it could be connected,’ Blake admitted.

They both fell silent, each thinking of the many ways in which their lives were entwined together, unwillingly. Blake’s mind took him back to that wintry night, a hundred years ago, when he first stumbled upon Alyssa.

Sweet Alyssa was petrified to be thrown out of her house by her stepmother who wanted to be rid of her. Alyssa had wandered around the house, begged to be let back inside but her stepmother wouldn’t listen. She hadn’t even given her any clothes, and so Alyssa was in a cotton nightgown and nothing else. Alyssa’s stepmother wanted her to either die of cold or something else. Her father had died the previous year and although by rights the house was hers, her stepmother insisted that her father had changed the will and it was now hers.


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