Invoke the Goddess by Kala Trobe
Author:Kala Trobe
Language: eng
Format: epub, pdf
Tags: invoking the goddess;invoke the goddess;kala trobe;kate latrobe;hindu goddess;greek goddesses;egyptian goddesses;deities;goddess work;working with the goddesses;pagan;paganism;CVR09102018;CVR09142018;CVR09182018;CVR02252019
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.
Published: 2019-05-28T16:38:22+00:00
Visualization for Magickal Ability
Magickal ability is the art of directed will combined with strong spiritual integrity, visualization and emotion, sometimes aided by props both psychological and physical. Therefore, the best way to increase it is to practice both virtues—kindness, abstinence, generosity—as well as concentration techniques. It goes without saying that yogic, mantric meditation is ideal for developing focus and spiritual attunement. Alternatively, you could think of something that provokes a strong inner reaction for this exercise, perhaps something you really long for, and try formulating your feelings into a golden net and “capturing” it. However, if you prefer something more ritualistic, this may be the visualization for you.
Arise from your ritual bath empowered but in the humble knowledge that you are a mere neophyte (no matter how far you have come down the magickal path) to the supreme High Priestess you are about to encounter. You know you have a long way to go, but you are confident of your ability to achieve formidable occult prowess. This is partly because you know you are prepared to put in the effort.
Take several deep breaths; envision yourself breathing in light as you do so. Feel the light penetrating every cell of your physical body and every atom of your astral one. Flex your psychic muscles by extending your aura to the periphery of the room, making it glow as brightly as you can, and then withdrawing it again.
Now, stimulate your chakras one by one; concentrate on each in turn, starting at the base chakra. Make the red discus spin and, as it does, feel yourself attuned to your primal self. Then work your way up the orange intestinal area, the yellow solar plexus, the green heart, the blue of the throat, and the purple pineal chakra. Finally, as you concentrate on the golden-white discus at the top of your head, feel yourself assimilating the cosmic energy that infiltrates all aspects of being.
Now that you have limbered up, imagine yourself flying at high speed through astral space. You may see anything at this point; landscapes, strange geometric shapes, symbols—it’s down to your own intuition and inner vision.
Whatever you see, feel the sensation of flying. Hear the whirring of your chakras—AAAUUUMMMMMM—like propellers driving you forward. Keep your ultimate goal in your mind’s eye: a deity who embodies magickal ability and in whose very presence your own aura and ability will rise to new heights.
Eventually you reach the throne. It sits at the water’s edge like that of the tarot’s Queen of Cups, and on both sides is a pillar, the left black and the right white. There are offerings on the steps before it: pomegranates, votive candles, and mummified animals, mainly ibises and cats.
The Priestess is unveiled and very beautiful in the moonlight. Her heavily kohled eyes assess you with an air of nonchalance.
Now it is up to you to prove your worth. Shine as brightly as you can; present your soul and your will to learn the magickal craft and see if she accepts it.
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