epub |eng | | Author:Laury Silvers [Silvers, Laury]

( Category: Sufism December 3,2024 )
pdf | | | Author:Unknown

( Category: Women in Islam December 2,2024 )
pdf | | | Author:Unknown

( Category: Women in Islam December 2,2024 )
pdf | | | Author:Unknown

( Category: Women in Islam December 2,2024 )
pdf | | | Author:Unknown

( Category: Women in Islam December 2,2024 )
pdf | | | Author:Unknown

( Category: Women in Islam December 2,2024 )
pdf | | | Author:Unknown

( Category: Women in Islam December 2,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Mustafa Akyol

Conversely, religious coercion would not even be helpful to true religion, because it would not lead to genuine piety. Mendelssohn put it exquisitely: Religious actions without religious thoughts are mere ...
( Category: Mecca November 17,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Farid Attar

The man who refused to drink There was a man advanced along the Way Who always, to his puzzled friends’ dismay, Refused to drink sweet sherbet. “Why is this?” lines ...
( Category: Sufism October 29,2024 )
epub |eng | 2022-10-15 | Author:Unknown

( Category: Quran October 19,2024 )
epub |eng | 2022-07-26 | Author:Ibrahim, Raymond [Ibrahim, Raymond]

Chapter 6 John Hunyadi: The White Knight of Wallachia “We have had enough of our men enslaved, our women raped, wagons loaded with the severed heads of our people, the ...
( Category: History September 16,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Saima Mir

CHAPTER 27 ‘I’m losing my faith,’ the imam admitted. Jia had needed counsel, advice about Ahad, from whom she felt estranged, life and other things to do with faith. As ...
( Category: Women in Islam July 11,2024 )
epub |eng | 2018-11-11 | Author:Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami & Musa Furber [al-Sulami, Abu Abd al-Rahman & Furber, Musa]

47 Anger Among the infamies of the soul is anger. This condition is treated by inducing the soul to be content with the decree [of Allah], since anger is a ...
( Category: Rituals & Practice June 27,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-01-18 | Author:Anisa Karolia [Karolia, Anisa]

Any good-quality cut of steak will work, such as ribeye, fillet, porterhouse, T-bone or sirloin. Sprinkle grated cheese over the cooked mash to make it cheesy. Steak with Peppercorn Sauce ...
( Category: Rituals & Practice May 14,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Rumi

My cup has broken at a flaw. In the gathering of lovers there is no place for such a cup. But I will not mourn this broken body for the ...
( Category: Sufism April 27,2024 )