Oral Surgery
pdf |en | | Author: Franklin S, Weine DDS

( Category: Oral Surgery June 12,2022 )
epub |deu | | Author:S. Chen / D. Buser

Early Implant Placement (Type 2) 4.8 Early Placement of an Implant in a Maxillary Right Central Incisor Site D. Buser, C. Hart, U. Belser This 41-year-old female patient was referred ...
( Category: Oral Surgery July 1,2020 )
epub |eng | 2014-11-20 | Author:Hand, Arthur R.; Frank, Marion E.; & Marion E. Frank [Hand, Arthur R. & Frank, Marion E.]

Osteoclasts are large multinucleated cells (Fig. 6.28) that arise from fusion of bone marrow-derived precursors of the monocyte-macrophage lineage, under the control of specific cell surface ligands found on other ...
( Category: Oral Surgery June 30,2020 )
epub |eng | 2013-11-16 | Author:Louie Al-Faraje

Fig 4-16 Al-Faraje classification of bone loss resorption patterns in the anterior maxilla. Clinical management of maxillary alveolar bone deficiency The following are basic principles for the management of maxillary ...
( Category: Oral Surgery March 19,2020 )