Whale Harbor Blooms (Saltwater Sunsets Book 6) by Fiona Baker

Whale Harbor Blooms (Saltwater Sunsets Book 6) by Fiona Baker

Author:Fiona Baker [Baker, Fiona]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2024-04-26T00:00:00+00:00


“Okay,” Claire muttered to herself, stretching out her arms and shoulders. “What’s next?”

She looked at the to-do list that had become her constant companion lately. She’d made lots of decisions for the shop already, and today was painting day.

Which meant Liam Hiller was coming to work with her.

As she took an inventory of her muscles, checking for any aches and pains—which were a common symptom of lupus, but one she’d fortunately kept under control even during the hard work of preparing the shop—she reminded herself not to get too excited. Liam was nice, of course, and extremely handsome. She even thought that sometimes she detected a hint of a flirtatious vibe from him.

But he wasn’t staying in Whale Harbor, which meant that a relationship between them likely wasn’t in the cards. And besides, she was technically employing him. She needed to maintain professional boundaries so she didn’t make him feel uncomfortable or like she had only hired him because she was attracted to him.

It doesn’t help when he shows up looking so good though, she told herself with an internal chuckle when Liam arrived a few minutes later.

Since the ‘False Spring’ picnic, the weather had turned cold again, proving true March’s adage that it came ‘in like a lion, out like a lamb.’ They were still in ‘lion’ season. The blustery weather had turned Liam’s cheeks a cheerful pink.

“Hey,” she greeted as he entered.

“Hey yourself,” he returned, closing the door behind him. She approached, then extended her hand for a handshake just as he opened his arms for a hug. She ended up poking him in the stomach.

“Sorry,” he said, face sheepish. “Was that too familiar?”

“Not at all,” she assured him.

The moment had passed, however, so she didn’t try to go back in for another hug. He turned to hang his jacket, still seeming a little embarrassed. Claire tried not to be sorry that she’d missed her chance.

Don’t encourage your crush! she reminded herself.

“Okay!” she said briskly, not wanting to push Liam to linger on the slightly awkward greeting. “So basically today is all painting. I have this really nice soft mauve that will go on the walls in here, and the ceiling is going to be this eggshell color.” She held up the two paint cards that correlated with the colors she’d referenced. “Then in the back room, the ceiling will be the same, but the walls are going to be green.” She lifted another card.

“These are great colors,” he said, taking the cards from her fingers. “They’re not boring white or gray, but they’re also muted enough that the flowers will pop against them.”

“That’s what I was thinking!” Oh man, it felt good to have somebody understand her vision. She’d been so consumed with the endless decision-making that went into opening a store that it felt like a much-needed touch with reality to hear someone say that she’d done a good job.

“Anyway,” she continued, “I was thinking I could start doing edges and some of the lower areas and you could do the higher-up stuff?”

He shot her a teasing look.


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