Welcome at Our Door by Amy Clipston

Welcome at Our Door by Amy Clipston

Author:Amy Clipston
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: HarperCollins
Published: 2019-05-07T00:00:00+00:00

With tears in his eyes, Drew folded the letter, sealed it into an envelope, and carried it over to the Lapps’ house. When Gertrude opened the back door, his gut soured as he handed her the letter.

She gave him a sad smile. “This is for the best, you know.”

“Right,” he said.

But did Gertrude know his heart had never felt so broken?


“Gertrude! Hello.” Cindy opened the back door the following morning. “Wie geht’s?”

“I’m doing well. And you?” Gertrude adjusted a quilt slung over her arm.

“I’m gut. What brings you here today?” Cindy searched Gertrude’s face. Did her visit have something to do with Drew? Her heart fluttered at the thought. She’d waited at her window for Drew’s truck last night, but she’d been disappointed. He never appeared through the darkness.

At first she was worried, but then she decided Drew must have fallen asleep. After all, they had met at midnight three nights in a row, and the lack of sleep had to have caught up with him. Hopefully, Drew had rested up and would resume their midnight rendezvous tonight.

“I want to know if you can repair this.” Gertrude gestured toward the quilt. “It has a tear in it, and it’s special to me. My favorite aenti gave it to me many years ago when I was around your age.”

“I’d be froh to fix it for you.” Cindy touched the quilt. “May I see the tear?”

“Could we go up to your sewing room?”

“Of course.” Cindy nodded slowly as she studied Gertrude’s expression. Was there a hidden message in the request? Or was Cindy imagining it? She gestured for Gertrude to follow her through the mudroom and into the kitchen.

“Gertrude,” Florence exclaimed when they stepped into the kitchen. “How nice to see you.”

“It’s nice to see you as well.” Gertrude gave Florence a generous smile. “I stopped by to see if Cindy has a few spare minutes to repair my quilt.”

“Oh.” Florence gestured toward the counter, where potato salad and a basket of rolls sat. “You must stay for lunch. We can get caught up.”

“Ervin’s gone to town, so that would be wunderbaar. Danki.” Gertrude looked at Cindy. “Could you please look at my quilt before lunch?”

“Ya.” Cindy led Gertrude up to her sewing room, where she sat down at the machine and waved to the chair beside her. “Let’s have a look at that tear.”

Gertrude unfolded the quilt and pointed to a small split in the hem. “Can you fix this?”

Cindy looked down at the hem and then up at Gertrude. “Ya, but this is an easy repair. Don’t you sew?”

“I do.” Gertrude pulled an envelope out of her apron. “This is what I actually came to bring you.”

Cindy stared at the envelope and her name written on the front. “I don’t understand.”

Gertrude leaned in closer. “I know you’ve been sneaking out to see Drew at night.” She pointed to the envelope. “Drew wrote you a letter.”

“He did?” Her pulse tripped and trotted.

“Ya.” Gertrude stood. “I’ll go downstairs and keep Florence busy. You read his letter and then write a response.


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