The Lazarus Plan by John Sazaklis

The Lazarus Plan by John Sazaklis

Author:John Sazaklis [Sazaklis, John]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: 9781496530882;9781496530905;9781496530929;fiction;DC Super Heroes;You Choose Stories: Batman;Comics & Graphic Novels/Superheroes;Law & Crime;Action & Adventure/General;chapter books
Publisher: Capstone
Published: 2016-06-27T00:00:00+00:00


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Batman and Nightwing take the dark path. The Caped Crusader lights a flare, filling the tunnel with a bright red glow. Enormous scorpions skitter across the floor.


“I think we were better off walking in the dark,” Nightwing says.

Batman uses the flare to inspect the passage. “The Society of Shadows is performing their secret rituals down here,” he states. “I can smell burning incense.”

“I think I hear voices too,” Nightwing says.

SNAP! The young hero steps on a trip wire. “Uh, oh,” he says. “That’s bad, right?”

Suddenly, the floor drops out from under the heroes. Batman and Nightwing slide down a chute and land in a shallow pit of snakes!

HISSSSS! The serpents slither toward them, hungrily flicking their tongues and flashing their fangs. Nightwing kicks sand at the reptiles, causing them to recoil.

“Ah, Detective!” booms a loud voice. “How nice of you to drop in!”

The heroes turn to see Rā’s al Ghūl emerging from a shimmering pool of glowing green liquid. Ubu and a small group of ninjas surround him.

“We have found a Lazarus Pit to restore me!” Rā’s continues. “I’ll use my newfound power to open a portal to the Underworld, overthrow Hades, and become ruler myself!”

“You’re mad, Rā’s!” Batman yells.

“Perhaps,” Rā’s replies. “But you’re about to become a two-course meal!”

The ravenous reptiles slither closer to Batman and Nightwing. HISSSSSSSSS!

Thinking quickly, Batman grabs some liquid nitrogen pellets from his Utility Belt. He throws them at the snakes — freezing them in their tracks! FWOOSH!

“I’m amused by your ingenuity,” Rā’s tells the heroes.

“In Greek mythology, you’ll know that Hades’ brother Zeus was the lord of lightning,” Rā’s continues. “Luckily, we came across an electrifying item from Zeus himself that will open the portal.”

Ubu hands Rā’s a large metal weapon. Batman recognizes it immediately — it’s the lightning rod of Maxie Zeus!

Rā’s activates the rod. It crackles with electricity. Then he slams it against the ground. The cavern rumbles, and the ground cracks open wide. Swirling mists and vapors rise up out of the opening.

Suddenly, the souls of the dead rise into the air! Their terrifying moans and howls echo off the walls.


The frightening spirits extend their bony arms through tattered robes, reaching for the ninjas. “Run for your lives!” one of them yells.

Batman and Nightwing swing out of the snake pit on their Batropes. They rush at Rā’s, but Ubu blocks their path.

The massive bodyguard swings at Batman, but the Dark Knight ducks. SWISH!

“Strike one!” Nightwing shouts.

Ubu swings at Nightwing who also ducks. SWISH! “Strike two!” Nightwing shouts again.

Ubu swings both his fists at the heroes but misses again. “And that’s strike three!” Nightwing shouts.

Batman grabs Ubu and hurls him across the room into the snake pit. WHUMP! “You’re out,” Batman growls.

The heroes run toward Rā’s al Ghūl. The villain is glowing with energy as the spirits swirl around him. “My loyal subjects!” he cries. “I am your new leader!”

But the ghosts don’t want a leader. They begin to suck out his life force! “Stop!” he commands.


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