The Death Broker (Inspector Walter Darriteau cases Book 6) by Carter David

The Death Broker (Inspector Walter Darriteau cases Book 6) by Carter David

Author:Carter, David
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: TrackerDog Media
Published: 2017-08-30T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Fifteen

CORLA DROPPED HIM OUTSIDE the police station at just gone 2.30pm. On the way back to Chester, Walter asked her about her inspection of the Prestatyn Station facilities.

‘It’s surprising what you can learn.’

‘So you said. Want to expand that line of thinking?’

‘Feng Shui, it’s one of my many interests.’

‘You’re a woman of varied talents.’

‘Have you only just noticed?’

Feng Shui, pondered Walter, another zany crazy idea. This time from China, leastways, that was how Walter saw things.

‘And what did your Feng check tell you?’

‘Not so bad. I learnt quite a bit.’

‘Do you want to elaborate?’

‘Are you going to treat this seriously?’

Walter smirked and said, ‘I’ll try to keep an open mind.’

‘Mmm,’ she said, yet to be convinced. ‘Okay, I’ll tell you more, but if you laugh just once, you will hear nothing further about it. Understand?’

‘I’m still listening.’

Corla took a deep breath.

‘Toilets don’t just drain away your water and waste products, you know.’

‘Really?’ he said, wondering where the weird line of reasoning was heading.

‘They drain away your luck; and your life force too.’

‘News to me. But we can’t live without them, toilets.’

‘True, but we can locate them in the correct places, and decorate the room in sympathetic colours, and treat them with respect, and keep them clean, and keep the main door closed, and the seat firmly down. The position of the toilet can even impact on one’s romantic possibilities... and even the prospect of having children.’

Walter breathed out heavy and muttered, ‘And you believe all this stuff?’

‘Of course. It’s part of ancient Daoist thinking, it’s not some kind of modern trendy made up nonsense that appeared in the last ten years.’

‘And the toilets in Prestatyn were fine?’

‘Correct. They are facing south.’

‘And that’s good?’

‘Facing south can affect your reputation, that’s true, and it increases gossip as well, but I imagine there is always plenty of gossip going on in a police station, nature of the beast.’

‘There is in ours.’

‘Quite so, and at least it wasn’t facing south-west.’

‘And that’s bad?’

‘You have no idea! South-west can bring all kinds of grief, and most importantly, south-west can harm the eldest daughter.’

Walter spluttered. ‘Really? You mean like Rhiannon Reece?’

‘Could be. Who knows? But it’s nice to think we don’t have to worry about that one.’

Walter breathed out heavy and said, ‘Well, that is a relief. I have no idea which direction my toilet at home is facing.’

‘Maybe you should find out,’ said Corla, unable to prevent a tiny smile crossing her face. ‘And they were clean too, the ones in Prestatyn, and the lids were nicely down... most important.’

‘Forgive my doubting nature, but...’

‘I know what you are thinking.’

‘What am I thinking?’

‘You are thinking, it’s all a load of old tosh.’

‘Yeah, well, maybe. You have to say it’s weird.’

‘People thought acupuncture was another load of tosh and nonsense twenty-five years ago, and now you can get it on the NHS, and lots of people swear by it.’

‘I think that’s slightly different.’

‘I don’t see how. Once it was thought eastern nonsense, now it isn’t. Keep an open mind, Walter; we are making new discoveries all the time.


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