Search results for "40k"
pdf | | 2014-11-29 | Author:unknow

( Category: other May 30,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Warhammer 40K [40K, Warhammer]

About The Author Chris Dows is the author of the digital short stories ‘In the Shadow of the Emperor’ and ‘The Mouth of Chaos’. His day job is running the ...
( Category: Space Exploration December 27,2023 )
epub |eng | 2011-12-31 | Author:Gav Thorpe [Gav Thorpe]

PART TWO RECONSTRUCTION TEN Return to Deliverance Unlocking the Gene-tech Caesari THE LANDSCAPE OF Deliverance was dominated by a kilometre-high needle at the centre of the workshops. Once this had ...
( Category: other June 19,2022 )
epub |eng | 2011-04-14 | Author:unknow

The Face of Treachery Gav Thorpe Artificial eyes scoured the firmament, seeking a telltale reflection of radiation, looking for a pinprick of light, searching for the merest hint of heat ...
( Category: other June 19,2022 )
epub |eng | 2010-11-29 | Author:Dan Abnett [Dan Abnett]

HE SAT DOWN beside the priest. Longfang’s skin looked even more translucent than before. He was speckled with blood, both purple and red, both human and foe. Some of it ...
( Category: other June 19,2022 )
epub |eng | 2018-07-04 | Author:John French [John French]

ELEVEN Maloghurst ‘Fleet systems at full alert,’ said Sota-Nul as they hurried through the dark of the Vengeful Spirit’s underworld. Maloghurst was breathing hard. He was sweating blood inside his ...
( Category: other June 19,2022 )
epub |eng | 2015-05-18 | Author:Nick Kyme [Nick Kyme]

Aboard the Monarchia, the light from the doused hololith faded, leaving Quor Gallek in darkness. He heard Degat’s heavy, agitated breathing nearby. ‘He will try to betray us,’ said the ...
( Category: other June 19,2022 )
epub |eng | 2016-10-19 | Author:James Swallow [James Swallow]

Curator Lonnd had only become notable by his absence in the Riga Munitorum complex. Given to sequestering himself in his private chambers for days at a time, Tallery’s superior was ...
( Category: other June 19,2022 )
epub |eng | 2012-09-14 | Author:unknow

The Basilica of the Blessed Algorithm never closed its doors and none were forbidden the succour granted by the priests of the machine. The priest that had spoken to Ravachol ...
( Category: other June 19,2022 )
epub |eng | 2017-01-20 | Author:Laurie Goulding [Laurie Goulding]

THE SEVENTH SERPENT Graham McNeill ~ DRAMATIS PERSONAE ~ The Sisypheum Ulrach Branthan, Captain, Iron Hands 65th Clan-Company Cadmus Tyro, Equerry to Captain Branthan Frater Thamatica, Ironwrought, Avernii veteran Vermana ...
( Category: other June 19,2022 )
epub |eng | 2015-12-15 | Author:unknow

The duels lasted for six more hours before Yesugei let him rest. By that time, Arvida’s body was drained and his mind numb. He limped from the sparring chamber, feeling ...
( Category: other June 19,2022 )
epub |eng | 2007-09-26 | Author:Mitchel Scanlon [Mitchel Scanlon]

TWELVE HALF A DOZEN beasts still fought, though many were clearly on their last legs, the Order’s knights darting in with long spears and pistols to administer the coup de ...
( Category: other June 19,2022 )
epub |eng | 2007-02-24 | Author:James Swallow [James Swallow]

SOLUN DECIUS WATCHED his commander stuff a fold of papers into a belt pouch and turn away, as if he wasn’t ready to look the Astartes in the eye. ‘Decius,’ ...
( Category: other June 19,2022 )
epub |eng | 2017-09-01 | Author:David Annandale [David Annandale]

When the Blood Angels entered the manufactorum, they dropped into silence so complete, they might have been swallowed by the grave. Daemons abandoned the other manufactoria to flood the land. ...
( Category: other June 19,2022 )