Samuel's Return by Susan Lantz Simpson

Samuel's Return by Susan Lantz Simpson

Author:Susan Lantz Simpson [Simpson, Susan Lantz]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Zebra Books
Published: 2021-02-10T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Nineteen

Samuel’s heart plummeted to his toes when he caught sight of Bishop Menno heading toward the house. He wished he’d had a chance to tell Lena about his own inquisition. Even more, he wished the bishop would let the whole matter slide. Samuel tried to concentrate on cutting the wood to avoid amputating any body parts, but his mind had its own agenda.

What was the bishop saying to Lena? Would Samuel be able to talk to her when the other fellows left, or would Bishop Menno hang around, keeping his hawk eye on Samuel? He jumped at the slap on his back.

“Whew! These have been stubborn trees.” Atlee fanned himself with his straw hat.


“I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“That’s okay.” Or it would be okay once his heart beat normally again.

“Why are you so jumpy?”

“I’m not.”

“You could have fooled me. You nearly leaped to the sky with my simple little touch.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call that blow to my back a ‘simple touch.’”

Atlee guffawed. “Aw. It wasn’t that hard.”

“Let me pound on you and then you can tell me if it was a little touch.”

“Okay. Okay. I suppose I don’t know my own strength.”

“Jah, but smell isn’t everything.”

Atlee pretended to sniff himself. “You’re so funny, but I don’t smell that bad.”

“We all smell that bad.”

“All right. Maybe we do at that. I wanted to say danki for keeping me from going crazy last night.”

“I tried.”

“It helped. I was so worried. I know childbirth is a normal thing, but things can go wrong. I was so afraid something would happen to Becky or the boppli.”

“You don’t need to apologize. I’m sure every new daed feels the same way.”

“I guess. I kind of remember Daed pacing when Aiden was born, and he was the sixth one.”

“I suppose if you care about someone, you always want them to be fine.”

“How about you?”

“Huh?” Samuel wiggled as a rivulet of sweat tickled his back.

Atlee nodded toward the house. “You’re worried about what the bishop might say to Lena.”

The words came out as a statement, not a question. Atlee certainly didn’t miss much. Still, Samuel tried to dodge the comment. He shrugged. “Why should I be?”

Atlee rolled his eyes. “I was there last night. I know you took Lena home. Our work today tells me how bad the storm was here. I would be very surprised if you did not stay to help Lena. But if the bishop got wind of that, he might decide to have a little chat with both of you.”

“What are you, a mind reader?”

“Just smart.”

Samuel sighed. “The bishop showed up here to check on Lena. The tornado had passed over with a deafening roar. The kinner were terrified. I was holding Matthew in the background when Lena answered the door with the girls hanging on to her skirt. Bishop Menno didn’t see me, but somehow he knew I was here.”

“You thought he didn’t see you. The man has more eyes than a spider.”


“I’m sure he understands why you were here. Becky and I can vouch for you and Lena.


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