Nils-Olof Franzen by Agaton Sax & The London Computer Plot

Nils-Olof Franzen by Agaton Sax & The London Computer Plot

Author:Agaton Sax & The London Computer Plot
Language: eng
Format: mobi
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00


Lispington Protests

Half an hour later, Agaton Sax dialled the Boss's number, and, after a few moments, heard the familiar spine-chilling voice:


'Is that the Boss speaking?' asked Agaton Sax in Mr Pixman's voice.

'The Boss?' said the voice suspiciously. 'What do you want, you oaf? How dare you wake people up in the middle of the night! I've a good mind to report you to the police!'

'A-a-aha!' said Agaton Sax with a little smile. 'Innocent the you try to needn't play me with, Boss Mr. This is Mr Pixman speaking - P-i-x-m-a-n.'

'And what do you want, may I ask, Mr Pixman?'

The voice seemed to blow a biting, frozen wind down the telephone - creating an atmosphere so frightening that it was almost paralysing - frightening enough to paralyse almost everybody - but not Agaton Sax.

"What do I want? Surely you know that, Mr Boss!'

'Don't mumble into your false beard, speak up, you lousy scoundrel!' answered the frozen wind.

'With pleasure,' said Mr Pixman affably. 'We were to meet, you and I, weren't we?'

There was silence at the other end.

'Surely you must remember,' went on Mr Pixman smoothly. 'Why were we to meet, you and I? Don't you remember? Of course you do, Mr Boss! But you never turned up!'

'It was you who never turned up, Mr Pixman!' snarled the Boss.

'Of course I did.'

'You didn't! Don't try to put your dirty lies across me, Mr Pixman! I went to the house. My men went to the house, too. But you never showed up. You had the incredible cheek to send along a policeman who mimicked my voice! That was what you did, Mr Pixman! I'm warning you for the last time! You are a repulsive little cockroach, a miserable mosquito, a mere fly, Mr Pixman, and I'm going to crush you - like this!'

'Aha?' said Agaton Sax, raising his eyebrow. 'Aha? A mere fly, you said? But suppose we try to recollect what really happened at the house, Mr Boss? I tipped you off about Agaton Sax and Lispington. Your men had the task of catching them. So they did.

They brought Agaton Sax and Lispington to the house. My assistant Slim Snoop and I were to be there waiting for them, and you, Mr Boss, were to arrive a little later, to meet us. Then we were going to ask a substantial ransom for Agaton Sax and Lispington.

Is that correct? You agree so far? Right. But what actually happened? Your men took the two detectives to the house in Hampstead as arranged, and you, also as arranged, came to the house. But why did you come?

You didn't come as a loyal, honest colleague - you came as the vile traitor that you are. You planned to seize for your own selfish ends Agaton Sax and Lispington, together with Slim Snoop and me. That was your plan! Unfortunately, I arrived five minutes too late for it to work. Do you know why Mr Boss? Of course you know!

It was because one of your dishonest underlings


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